There is a lot of truth is what you say but at the end of the day the 109 couldn't carry the same range of cameras as the PR spits, they didn't have the range and didn't have the performance to avoid interception. Most importantly the Luftwaffe didn't have any alternatives.
We will have to see the particulars. What would be the typical range of cameras PR Spits would carry, their type and details, what was their speed capabilities, especially sustainable cruise speeds and mission profiles, how did it happen they were still intercepted (IIRC the fitst victim of the 109G was a PR Spit) and what was their range under that mission profile? How many produced and how many missions flown?
In the already mentioned excellent Aufklaerers volume it is mentioned that due to lack of proper cameras and difficulties of importing them from the US the British were forced to scavenge the Zeiss objectives from a downed Ju 88 recon plane in order to boost up their unsuitable lenses (possibly lacking detail?). This tends to raise some doubts if the British ever possessed proper quality cameras during the war.