Don't be disparaging about British and Commonwealth legions, a sad tendency particularly in more "popular" history. More of them landed on D-Day than did their American comrades. There were more Lee Enfields than Garrands, at least initially. I'm surprised to see "Private Ryan" syndrome on a forum where I would expect a firmer grasp of historical facts than that found in Hollywood.
The tendency of disparaging about British and Commonwealth legions is not that there were too Lee Enfields and erhm, Shermans on the beach, but the fact that in the next two months they seemingly did little else than camping in front of Caen, and sipping tea.
Britain, geographically, was threat level 11 because that is where the invasion was launched from, even if the Luftwaffe missed it.
Yes in 1944. No in 1940-43, a period which you peculiarly avoid.
But lets talk photo recce in the West, 1944, Chapter Arnhem, Ardennes. Nobody's recond worked like 100%.
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