Aircraft Identification V

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Dornier Do 26 for the DHL perhaps?
Data of the Do 26D (V6)
Power plant:4 x 880 hp Jumo 205D
Seats: 4 + 10-12
Wing span: 30 m
Length: 24.6 m
Wing area: 120 m
Weight loaded: 20965 kg
Max speed: 324 at 2.600 m
Service ceiling: 4500 m
Range 4795 km
Arament: 20 mm MG 151 in bow turret, 2x 7,9 mm MG 15 in waist position and a third MG 15 in the rear floor of the hull.
Nuber in service:6
First flight: 21 May 1938
History: The Dornier Do 26 Whas designed as a Mail Carrier in the trans-Atlantic ocean for the DLH whit 4 passenger, later version took 6. Luftwaffe Converted it later to a Do 26D standard as a armed reconnaissance and transport aircraft to the Kü F1 Gr 406 division (later 506). Two were destroyed by RAAF Hurricane During the Denmark/Norway campaigns, and the remainer were ewentually withdrawn to communication duties.

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