Aircraft Identification V (1 Viewer)

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I'll leave the other for a while. In the meantime, what is this?
Blackburn B20


It was designed to reduce drag by having a the fuselage open like a giant landing skid for water opertion and close in flight to reduce frontal area.

Duncan Roberts, Sam McMillan and Flt Lt Bailey were lost with the prototype, Flt Lt Bailey stayed with the aircraft until the last possible moment to give the other two crew members a chance to escape, his parachute did not open fully and he was drowned

It was nicknamed the "nutcracker", referring to the fate of anyone on the central float when it was retracted.
Crazy? It would have worked quite well without the vultures.

The one I posted before that various people guessed as a Fury Prototype and the Martin-Baker 5 are wrong. The aircraft is actually a Hawker Tempest powered by a Rolls-Royce Eagle engine giving 3500hp. 500mph+.

Now, what is this? Or these?

Supermarine Type 317 or B12/36

It is also interesting to look at one design that never got into the air; the Supermarine bomber. In designing the Spitfire Mitchell had pioneered a unique method of wing construction, the single spar with a thick metal leading edge. If this leading edge section could be filled with fuel it promised an aircraft with a very thin wing and slim aerodynamic fuselage while still having large fuel capacity. The Supermarine Bomber (project B12/36) would have carried a bomb-load almost as great as the Lancaster at greater heights and at a speed close to that of the Spitfire! In short the B12/36 could have given the RAF a bomber superior to every other W.W.II type except the B29 Superfortress. As it was, Supermarine just did not have the workforce or factory capacity to push forward the project and when the prototype was destroyed on its jigs, during the Luftwaffe attack on the Woolston Supermarine factory in September 1940, the bomber project was cancelled.

Several contenders submitted their designs to the Air Ministry, namely Armstrong Whitworth, Short and Supermarine. Prototypes of the Short and Supermarine types were ordered. Somewhere along the line during the building of the prototypes the Supermarine factory where the Supermarine Type 317 prototype, powered with four Bristol Hercules radials, was being built was bombed. It was only partially complete before the German raid, while after the raid there was only wreckage left. Subsequently, Supermarine then cancelled the project.

Another pic:


Bombs could be carried in the fuselage as well as in the wings, reducing the overall size of the planes fuselage. Three possible engines were proposed (see below). The plans were accepted by the Air Ministry but unfortuanely the two prototypes, along with the detailed plans, were destroyed by the bombing of the Supermarine Works, Woolston in September 1940.


Supermarine Works, facing river Itchen, Woolston, Southampton
Aha! The name escapes me but I've seen profile of a certain Caproni/ Reggiane with a jet similar to that of the Caproni-Campini CC.2, as well as a prop at the front...

Were any of them made? Is it one of them?
This ones starting to bug me, I used to know it and had a picture of it but I deleted my plane folder a few weeks ago when I became less interested in I cant seem to remember any of them... :evil:
You got it. It's the last of the series, the F6z, with the Isotta Fraschini 24 cilindres - air cooled - X configurated (and finally reliable :lol: ) - "Zeta" engine.
The pics were taken at Guidonia Airport, where te plane was tested until 8 september 1943.


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