Airfix 1/48 Mosquito Nf XXX

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I've built a couple (and converted one to B.MkXI) of the original, early 1980s Mosquito FB.VI, and it is very good indeed, even by today's standards. The few panel lines are raised (except engraved control surfaces), but not a problem, detail and fit is good. Not sure about the more current offerings (bomber/recce and nightfighter), but the original kit did not have any detail for the bomb/gun bay, the doors being moulded closed, as is the entrance hatch. The cockpit, however, is nicely detailed. I think the latest kits have recessed panel lines, although of course there are only a very few.
Thanks for the info Terry. I want to eventually build ALL the nightfighters flown by USAAF. I'm thinking about building a Mk XXX in the markings of US 416th NFS. Found a pic in the Osprey "American Nightfighter Aces of WWII" and I like the combination of American and British markings on it.
Sounds good. I don't think you'll be disappointed with the kit, if it's even just the same level as the earlier MkVI kit.
Thanks for the info Terry. I want to eventually build ALL the nightfighters flown by USAAF. I'm thinking about building a Mk XXX in the markings of US 416th NFS. Found a pic in the Osprey "American Nightfighter Aces of WWII" and I like the combination of American and British markings on it.

That sounds rather interesting!:D
how about one from the very successful 85th Squadron or 157th sqd. ?

looking through Streetly's excellent tome and it is a wonder so many B-24/B-17's used by BC for jamming missions/spoofs.

still get confused on the terminology as so used to the LW for so many years

cheers ans hawkeye if you need some background info on the 416th nfs let me know please I have the microfische stashed somewhere. First used the Beau for 4/2/1 kills and the Mossie for only 1 kill on February 28, 1945 claimed as a Ju 188 but probably a Ju 88.
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In my youth (40+ years ago) I built an Aurora P-61 painted with a rattle can - flat black!! It was a RARE kit even back in those days. I remember riding my bike all the way downtown when I heard they had one. It was the COOLEST model in the neighborhood, but, due to peer pressure, it was eventually brought down by flak (Black Cats on 4th of July).

Later (25+ years ago) a couple of Monogram ones. P-61 and P-38. The Monograms were pretty good little kits back in those days. Straight out of the box and brushed on black paint, but I remember getting compliments on them. Too many changes of address for them to have survived.

This time around I have in my stash:

AMT - P-70
Tamiya - Beaufighter VI
Monogram - P-61
Academy - P-38

Looking to buy an Airfix Mosquito XXX

Any other suggestions?
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Unless you're sticking with allied types, you could always add the Bf110 G and Heinkel 'Uhu'.
There are also other allied aircraft used in the night fighter role, including single - seaters, such as the Hurricane IIc and Typhoon, and , of course, the Blenheim and Defiant, kits of which are available in 1/48th scale.
Sounds like you are doing what I'm doing only I have models from other countries as well. From Japan there are atleast two. One of them is the J1N1 Gekko, I forget the other one. Italy had the Fiat CR 42 CN which was a bi-plane with flashlights. The Russians had the Pe 3 Bis with the Gneis 2 radar and wing lights. In the early part of WWII the French had the Potez 631. Along with those mentioned in the above post, the Germans had several which you can find mentioned on other threads expounding the virtues and comparing the different pluses and minuses of each type. Of course you could always check Wikipedia for a general list of them under night fighters. Hope that helps. :)
suggest checking on the "Best night fighter"...........thread here on this site

build a 100th grp Mossie XXX
Thanks guys, there are lots of great choices out there. However, on returning to the hobby, I decided to only build U.S. aircraft.

I made the decision that I'd never be able to build all the kits I had, so I sold off all my other stuff. The main reason for this is reference materials. I had much more on U.S. types than any other and decided that's what I'd go with. I certainly have nothing against the other stuff, lot's of great subjects, just decided to specialize.
Ok, as I recall the B-25H was used temporarily as a night fighter. I believe the U.S. Navy also used a F4U-2 Corsair and F6F-5N Hellcat as night fighters. The F-82B twin Mustang was suppose to replace the P-61. :) Later on the U.S. used the F7F-1N 2N Tigercat, the F3D Skyknight, F-89 Scorpion, and the F-94 Starfire. You can do these if you're not restricted to time frame. :)
I guess I forgot to mention a few more I have in my stash:

Modelcraft F-82
Revell F-89
Hobbycraft F-94

Also failed to mention I am concentrating on USAAC/USAF only.
Then the only one not in your collection is the B-25H. Other than that it looks like you have them all although I don't know which P-38 you have. One of the squadrons experimented with a couple of P-38s before they came out with the P-38M. For the more modern stuff, I believe both the F-15 and F-16 were used in night fighting roles although not necessarily called night fighters.
The B-25 was used in the Med and even in the ETO as a support unit and heavy ground attack fighter bomber with great success in the MTO especially aka 416th nfs.

the P-38L maybe earlier variant was the standard Day time version Lightning with no radars fitted, painted in day camo until replaced by the Widow
yes the PTO Widow squads had more at their disposal many were ferrying or taxiing crates.

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