Alien Air 1 Plane

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2nd Lieutenant
Jun 23, 2006
London Ontario Canada
Now this what I call a home built.
Alien Air 1.JPG
Alien Air 1-.JPG
You mean after 20 years they finally built the thing. That's how long ago I saw the first articles, and even magazine covers, feathering this aircraft. This version is just a little different, the long proposed version had 4 ducted fans, instead of three. With 4 Wankel rotaries, all interconnected.

Has it flown yet? Does it live up to the hype?
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It has been at the Camarillo Airshow the last 2-3 years. I've only seen it on static display, so I don't know if it's flown yet, but it looks pretty neat. Looks like these photos were taken at the Camarillo Airshow.
I always thought it was a scam, they were always just short of starting the flight test program, for 20 years.

I'd look at their range estimates and wonder, where the heck the fuel tanks for those thirsty wankels were.

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