"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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And better armed. Is that even possible?

re "Interesting for me is to know how many cruise missiles Russia has available."

The last estimate I saw said about 1300 tactical land attack cruise missiles as of 2017. I think this included the shipborne land attack variants.

re "Interesting for me is to know how many cruise missiles Russia has available."

The last estimate I saw said about 1300 tactical land attack cruise missiles as of 2017. I think this included the shipborne land attack variants.
Should it be assumed that a portion of those were used in Syria ? If so, what is the production rate of replacements ?
Several hundred left might be right ?

sounds like great joke - how it looks like - order ships in germany, force germany to cover 50% of fee out of german taxpayer's pocked with using holocaust as bussiness negotiation factor than launching investigation.... yes it sounds pretty much like right way

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