"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (7 Viewers)

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considering "magic of numbers" you are exactly right this is most probable scenario - but war is little bit more than just simple equation with just one possible solution.... we will see what result will be this time

Right. I personally think the Russians have stuck their nose into a bear-trap. Ukrainians seem highly motivated (they're fighting for kith and kin); they're inured to fighting already after the last eight years; and there is, from my understanding, a deep antipathy to Russian rule that predates WWII.

They also have the advantage of some good terrain for insurgent ops, good weapons, and they're highly motivated.

I'm not denigrating the Ukrainian military, but just pointing out that their strategic position is pretty much hopeless. That doesn't mean I think the nation or its people will be cowed -- on the contrary, I think they stand a good chance of putting another Afghanistan onto the Russians just in time to write the end of Putin's regime, just as the Afghan war was a factor in the fall of the USSR.

To repeat: I believe the Russians have stuck their nose into a bear-trap ... and I wish the best for the Ukrainians, no matter the intervening setbacks. I hope we in the West do our utmost to support them in their fight.
Saw an article today about an 80 year old man volunteering to fight Russian invaders . When asked why by a reporter he said he was fighting them so his grandchildren did not have to later.

I know its from the movie Robin Hood Prince if Thieves, but there is some truth to the saying that a "A man fighting for his lands is worth ten trained soldiers." Look at Afghanistan and Iraq. I'm not saying Ukraine can beat Russia militarily round for round, but they can certainly make it costly enough that support back in Russia falters.
the more statements i hear from the UN / NATO the more i see the scene in Team America where Puppet Hans Blix tells the Puppet Kim Jung

"we will be very angry with you and we will write you a letter telling you how angry we are ! "

i do not know the answer and do not want WW III but i fear we are sacrificing Ukraine.

i fear whats in the near future if Russia is allowed to keep any territory it seizes as it seems to be on a long term " bite and hold" strategy on its western borders and how far west will it be allowed to march ?
I know its from the movie Robin Hood Prince if Thieves, but there is some truth to the saying that a "A man fighting for his lands is worth ten trained soldiers."
Then out spoke brave Horatio,
Captain of the gate.
"To every man upon this earth,
death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better,
than facing fearsome odds,
for the ashes of his fathers,
and the temples of his gods."

Vive Ukraine!
Saw an article today about an 80 year old man volunteering to fight Russian invaders . When asked why by a reporter he said he was fighting them so his grandchildren did not have to later.

I know its from the movie Robin Hood Prince if Thieves, but there is some truth to the saying that a "A man fighting for his lands is worth ten trained soldiers." Look at Afghanistan and Iraq. I'm not saying Ukraine can beat Russia militarily round for round, but they can certainly make it costly enough that support back in Russia falters.
Saw another news article where the man told the reporter, "We are now desperate." A desperate man is a dangerous man with nothing to lose and will fight to the end to defend what is his as happened in Afghanistan.
i fear whats in the near future if Russia is allowed to keep any territory it seizes as it seems to be on a long term " bite and hold" strategy on its western borders and how far west will it be allowed to march ?
I can just see Putin now:
"The East-West Germany partition line at a bare minimum, but, given past antagonisms, I best make It the Rhine, for safety's sake. But then there's 1812. Hmmm, how about the Atlantic coast? Better clean out those pesky Scandinavians too, while I'm at it."

BoB revisited?
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the more statements i hear from the UN / NATO the more i see the scene in Team America where Puppet Hans Blix tells the Puppet Kim Jung

"we will be very angry with you and we will write you a letter telling you how angry we are ! "

i do not know the answer and do not want WW III but i fear we are sacrificing Ukraine.

i fear whats in the near future if Russia is allowed to keep any territory it seizes as it seems to be on a long term " bite and hold" strategy on its western borders and how far west will it be allowed to march ?

I see no positive outcome for Ukraine without NATO intervention which we know is not going to happen.
The Russian people are going to suffer to. The Russian economy is going to go so far down the toilet it may no longer be viable. It will no longer be a modern state.

It is a shame that the Russians are going to be economically back in the Victorian era.

Kahless once said
Destroying an Empire to win a war is no victory.
And ending a battle to save an Empire is no defeat
I worry about the Russian army's "mobile crematorium". The Russians say it is for health safety during extended conflicts. Critics say it is a way for the Russians to downplay their casualties. I wonder how many civilian bodies will find their way into this device. "Missing civilians" sounds better than "accidentally killed in bombing raid".
I can just see Putin now:
"The East-West Germany partition line at a bare minimum, but, given past antagonisms, I best make It the Rhine, for safety's sake. But then there's 1812. Hmmm, how about the Atlantic coast? Better clean out those pesky Scandinavians too, while I'm at it."

BoB revisited?
Channel Islands too?

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