"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (8 Viewers)

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Is the CV-90 better than the Bradley? Is the Bradley better than the CV 90? Who cares. They're both NATO! The Russians must be less than thrilled with their own stuff.
How smartly one uses their equipment (or not) is important as well. I am beginning to think that the Russian leadership / command and control sacrifices men below them in the food chain to keep themselves alive or appease their higher ups. The common soldier becomes nothing more than meat applied to the wood chipper. It would be interesting to get a read on morale and trust of the frontline troops.


I agree, and its always been that way.

Another problem the Russians have is their complete lack of a dedicated, well trained NCO Corps.

Their leadership has always to me seemed to be of the boot-licker/face-kicker variety. The soldier on the front understands this pretty well, I think. You know when an officer/NCO cares or doesn't. Us American airmen could always smell a rat too, that shit isn't limited to Russian "leadership".

That attitude filters down the chain of command, and is most keenly felt by those on the shit-end of the stick. A good commander attends to his enlisted and NCOs as much if not more than he attends to his O-corps. After Col Sams gave us a KC-135 to fly to Illinois to bury our brother firefighter in 1990, I don't think any of us doubted his concern for our well-being.

What the Russian troops are dealing with as officers throw them into a meatgrinder cannot be good for their morale. "If they don't care about me, why should I care about anything but survival" must be something of an impetus in the rank-and-file.
Didn't America try to "Americanize" Vietnam against it's will? Isn't Russia trying to Russianize Ukraine against it's will? Should be an interesting outcome.

It's a pretty different thing. We did try to impose our ideas about government upon Vietnam, but the cultural differences between us and any Southeast Asian nation were far greater than the cultural differences between Ukraine and Russia and we had no possibility of of "Americanizing" them -- whatever that means. America in the 60s didn't try to eradicate Vietnamese culture, but install simply a pliable government without claiming that Vietnam had always been a part of America and had no right to exist.

On the other hand, Putin's Russia is arguing that Ukraine has no historical right to exist at all. They are instituting school lessons in both Russia and Russian-controlled areas of Ukraine to that end. They're actually kidnapping Ukrainian youths, dragging them to Russia, and programming them to this aim.

That is definitively different from America's attitude in Vietnam. Of course Russia is trying to "Russianize" Ukraine against its will.

The idea that the two situations are similar is a very superficial reading of history in my opinion
Vladimir's School Visit

Vladimir Putin in order to get on the good side of voters, goes to visit a school in Moscow to have a chat with the kids. He talks to them about how Russia is a powerful nation and how he wants the best for the people.

At the end of the talk there is a section for questions.

Little Sasha puts her hand up and says, "I have two questions. Why did the Russians take Crimea and why are we sending troops to Ukraine?"

Putin says, "Good questions". But just as he is about to answer, the bell goes and the kids go to lunch. When they come back, they sit down and there is room for some more questions.

Another girl, Misha, puts her hand up and says "I have four questions. Why did the Russians invade Crimea? Why are we sending troops to Ukraine? Why did the lunch bell go 20 minutes early?...... and why is Sasha not at her desk?"
Here's an interesting disinformation tactic the Russians sometimes use: They don't necessarily directly say they'll use nukes, they instead create a narrative that if an event they don't want to happen happens, it would mean nuclear war with Russia. The idea of course is to scare citizens into fearing nuclear war and lean on their government to not do that.

Of course this makes it very difficult to determine the actual threat level, but it's something they've done before at least a few times.
It's a definite tactic to do so as then speeches can be given at the UN which come across as
"It's not us - we are trying to free (insert invaded area here) but others are the bad guys because
they don't want people to be freed. We are doing the right thing here and being victimised by the
nasty capitalists ". Yadda yadda etc etc.... let's have a vote.....

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