Just blocking the entrance denies the harbour to the Russians but not to the Ukrainians (unless they actually sink a ship in the mouth of the harbour)
Not sure why blockships would allow Ukrainian ships through while blocking Russian ships. Care to elucidate?
T-boning a tanker or cargo ship inside the harbour creates a mess in harbour and denies the Russians both the ship and cargo. Evan a relatively small tanker full of water could probably clean out the nets and still T-bone a ship.
Doing that with a tanker loaded with fireworks up front, rockets in the middle, and an escape-capsule in the back ... You're gonna need a larger blockship, or three.
The hit on Russian morale would be massive.
Sure. I like the hit it's taking right now, m'self. I also think sailing a clumsy ship up into the harbor is really asking sailors to die for no good reason. And what would that achieve? Blocking a harbor already rendered untenable by air and sea drone-strikes?