"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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if so this Mi24's crews are real "cossacks" for me ...
I was watching a CNN YT vid. A retired general who was giving commentary said he's seen reports of Russians mining the Black Sea off Bulgaria and Romania. That's kind of vague but anyone else hear of this?

You, sir, just won the Internet for today. F**kin' A.

More Pics or it didn't happen…

Looking at some open source blogs on Russian losses, the scale is immense:

(Bear in mind these are minimum losses, as confirmed by pictures/videos)

Tanks: 201 confirmed destroyed, 42 confirmed abandoned 176 confirmed captured
AFVs: 131 destroyed, 32 abandoned, 116 captured
IFVs and APCs (tracked and wheeled): 252 destroyed, 48 abandoned, 194 captured
Artillery (tube and missile, towed and self-propelled): 56 destroyed, 25 abandoned, 87 captured
SPAA & SAM: 27 destroyed, 10 abandoned, 17 captured
Fixed wing aircraft: 19 fighters and 3 transports destroyed
Helicopters: 19 attack helicopters and 20 transport helicopters

Against this, the Ukranian General Staff put Russian losses as:

Tanks: 644 tanks
Other armored combat vehicles: 1,830;
Tube artillery: 325
Missile artillery: 105 MLR systems;
Air defense vehicles: 54;
Aircraft: 143
Helicopters: 134
UAVs: 89;
Ships: 7;
Other vehicles: 1,249 vehicles, 76 fuel tank trucks, 24 units of special equipment, and 4 mobile SRBM systems.

Even if Russia's actual losses are only half way between the Ukranian claims and the open source confirmed losses that's still north of 525 tanks, 1300 armoured vehicles, 250 artillery and missile systems, 80 fixed wing aircraft and 85 rotary wing aircraft.

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