Staff Sergeant
Look at Australia now, where Australian coal is sold nearly entirely to China. As an aside, Australian coal is now one of the top global producers of GHG.
Might want to check your facts there Admiral.
Japan, not China, is Australia's largest market for coal exports. Around 120 million tonnes a year. China is second largest market, at around 60-80 million tonnes per year. China accoints for less than 25% of total Australian coal exports - and that share has been falling for three years straight.
Next is South Korea and India, which are usually about 35-45 million tonnes. India will likely take more Australian coal than China this year though, thanks to COVIID-19 and China's limiting of steel production.
Also, Australian coal produces circa 3% of total GHG emissions.
China is Australia's largest market for exports overall - coal, LNG, iron ore, gold and copper. About $150 billion, or nearly half of total exports by value.