Chief Master Sergeant
- 4,028
- Jun 25, 2013
There were also significant national Austrian politicians pushing for union with Germany, unlike Czechoslovakia, where union with Germany was an issue for regional politicians. Politics in a lot of Central Europe was, at best, messy Before WWII. During the war, every occupied country* had parts of its population collaborating to some extent (I'm not counting somebody selling lunch to a German soldier as collaboration**, but turning in your neighbor for listening to the BBC up to and including cheerfully joining in implementing the Holocaust and joining SS military units do)The "annexation" of Austria was encouraged by the German Army, who crossed into Austria the day before the public vote on Austria's possible unification with Germany.
A vote against, was not a wise nor healthy decision.
There was also the Sudentenland as well as the "protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia", but the Czechs don't seem to be punished for that.
* Except, maybe, the Channel Islands.
** Especially if they spit in it and jack up the price
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