"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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That is not what I was expecting. I thought the Ukrainian provided casualty numbers were mostly of separatists and not Russians. Wow, that's a lotta' Ladas.
I'm not sure if NATO has "demanded" anything like that, the U.S. had reservations about sending long range munitions, which is rather silly, because the distances involved wouldn't require a long range munition to reach Russia proper.

Zelensky has stated time and again that their goal is to expel the invaders and his general staff (which is showing to be extremely competent) knows that to attack Russia would firstly, play into Putin's rhetoric and secondly, cause escalation that might provoke Putin to use tactical nukes.
That's just someone's imagination.

You can be sure that Ukraine will not step foot on Russian soil - their goal is to expel the Russian invaders from their homeland, nothing more.
Dave, I know. I nearly soiled myself laughing at that Grand Tour. I don't hold Kherson Cat to the same level of veracity as I would Mainstream News.
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So, having just watched a bunch of stuff on the counter offensive, I checked out what the other side was saying. It seems Russia is in the best possible position. I tried to follow his reasoning but decided I was due back on Earth.
It's a good website (no title)
If this is even close to correct, then the Russian losses are huge. I presume that Russian losses would exclude those from the 'liberated area's' captured in 2014 which would make the losses scary, very scary. With 50,000 dead you are looking at approx 200,000 dead and wounded

On a second thought. There can be no doubt that these two attacks will be sucking in the forces of both sides. Remembering that Russia never had enough troops to take over and control the whole of Ukraine. The losses and forced concentration in those two areas, must leave huge areas where Russia can have almost no control at all, giving partisan or other special forces practically unlimited opportunities for making trouble.
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re RF losses

Since the post-Vietnam era, losses for modern 1st world ground forces have been about 1 dead per 2 wounded seriously enough to not be able to return to combat (or at least not anytime soon). How we should count Russia in terms of modern combat medical services is open to question.

Although Jagdflieger pushed for the idea that a large amount of the initial fighting was being carried out by separatist forces, this does not seem to be correct. All(?) of the advances have been carried out by Russian troops, with various Russian units deployed to hold the territories gained. The separatist forces have been fighting mainly in defensive positions in the east. The last that I heard there are only 2 actual separatist combat units operating outside of the Donbas/Donetsk/Luhansk areas, although there are a few small specialist units and some contingents acting in support roles for the RF. An example is that a fair amount of the supply convoy duties include separatist personnel. For the most part only volunteers from the separatist areas are being used in combat outside of the Donbas/Donetsk/Luhansk, and there does not appear to be a large number of volunteers.

The last number for separatist forces KIA that I have seen is a little over 7,000 since 24 February. But it should be noted that official records for the separatist forces are sketchy, ie even the separatist governments are uncertain as to what is going on with their own forces. There have been multiple recent cases where communication was lost with separatist units, and when someone was sent to find out why coms were down they found the positions/areas deserted and no trace of the personnel assigned, only abandoned equipment.
I am still continuously struck by how much the Ukraine looks like rural Minnesota during my childhood (1960s-1970s).
You should cruise through California's Central Valley - it is identical to Bulgaria's central valley and large areas of Ukraine.

Complete with sunflowers as far as the eye can see.

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