"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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Is this madman trying to cause a massive dirty bomb?

The plant is on fire. Someone needs to take him out now. He is about to cause a nuclear disaster.


One thing us Americans use our boneyards for is spare parts.
I think this isn't indicative of the VKS. Putin thought a small show of force was all that was needed. He sent in reservists expecting a training exercise. He kept the real stuff ready in case NATO did stuff.
Not going as expected.
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So...these are all "tactical military and bio weapon facilities"?

Aparently - I told my friend that his "source" in Australia was probably a Russian kid in his Mom's basement flooding social media with "Q" riffs for a few rubles a day from RT news and he won't talk to me now.
"Civil war" ... with one side backed by a foreign power.

Your spin is discernible.

I'd have a problem with a neighbor who tried to seize part of my back yard, too.
BOTH sides backed by foreign powers. Nobody can claim a higher moral ground in this tragedy.

This old article from 2014 (of the NYT none the less!) is just to give you an idea of what was happening.

Just like what happened in the former Yugoslavia, outside actors played the old 'divide et impera' tune and then they pick a side, blaming the other one for all the problems.
The answer to the Ukrainian question is not the former Yugoslavia.

Answer the issues.

The answer to what is the capital of Peru is not the Former Yugoslavia.

This is deflection. Not an answer.

Seen it and seen it. A deflection to not being able to answer the question. Or to try and paint everyone as bad guys.
Officials said Friday the fire that started in the training center of the facility has been extinguished with Russian troops taking over after an intense day of fighting, Reuters reported.

"Personnel are on their working places providing normal operation of the station," an official told the news outlet.

The fire and damage that occurred were believed to be started by a Russian projectile, Rafael Grossi, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said.

The official told Reuters he has no control over the potential radiation issues from the plant, no communication with the plant's managers or any oversight after the Russian seizure.

Russia is falsely blaming Ukraine for the fire at the facility and also said the site is running normally, according to Reuters.

It is the second nuclear win for Russia during the fighting after forces seized the old Chernobyl nuclear plant at the beginning of the invasion.

Zaporizhzhia only has one reactor working around 60 percent capacity currently, Reuters noted.

Ukraine has one of the world's largest nuclear fleets that includes four power plants and 15 reactors that provide about half of the country's power. The country, however, houses no nuclear weapons.

I can't find what cities the power plant services, but the aim of cutting power to the defenders is obvious. I'd imagine Kherson and the other southern cities are going to be very endangered without power.

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