"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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Agreed. Putin has stated previously that there would be "no world without Russia" (similar statements were made in the past few days by one of his lackeys). Putin seems to believe that he IS Russia...which adds to my angst.

I keep going over every scenario, and I see no scenario where he stops without NATO military intervention.
Another unintended consequence...a steady stream of Russians crossing the border into Finland:

At Finland's border crossing with Russia at Vaalimaa, 120 miles (193 kilometres) east of Helsinki, buses and cars stop for passport and customs checks.

These aren't Ukrainians, they're Russians - and although the flow isn't heavy, it is constant.

People are anxious to get out of Russia because there has been a persistent rumour that Vladimir Putin's government might soon introduce martial law to deal with demonstrations against the invasion of Ukraine.

We spoke to one young Russian woman who was leaving for the West. She was in despair at what has been happening.

"People in Ukraine are our people – our family," she says. "We shouldn't be killing them."

Would she think of going back, I asked?

"Not while our dreadful government is there. It is so, so sad."

There's immense sympathy for people like her in Finland, just as there is for Ukraine and its inhabitants.

This sympathy, and the fear that Russia might lash out at other neighbours like Finland itself, is changing attitudes to Finland's traditional neutrality.

According to the latest opinion polls, a growing majority of Finns believe that it's time for their country to join Nato and get the protection that membership of the alliance would bring.
It's like NATO is singing "We are the world ". Who's next ?
It's like NATO is singing "We are the world ". Who's next ?
NATO was never a threat to Russia (offensively) and up until 2013-2014, there was a quiet status quo.

Europe and Russia both had good trade, a decent economy and so forth.

There really wasn't any reason, other than personal aspirations, for Russia to be concerned with NATO. All he had to do, was see the shrinking defense budgets of the various European nations, to know that there was no threat to Mother Russia from the west.
NATO was never a threat to Russia (offensively) and up until 2013-2014, there was a quiet status quo.

Europe and Russia both had good trade, a decent economy and so forth.

There really wasn't any reason, other than personal aspirations, for Russia to be concerned with NATO. All he had to do, was see the shrinking defense budgets of the various European nations, to know that there was no threat to Mother Russia from the west.

He complains about former East Bloc countries joining NATO, but maybe he should ask himself why they are seeking out to join NATO in the first place.
NATO was never a threat to Russia (offensively) and up until 2013-2014, there was a quiet status quo.

Europe and Russia both had good trade, a decent economy and so forth.

There really wasn't any reason, other than personal aspirations, for Russia to be concerned with NATO. All he had to do, was see the shrinking defense budgets of the various European nations, to know that there was no threat to Mother Russia from the west.

I don't think he was actually afraid of NATO. I personally believe he was using NATO expansion as a "justification" for his ambition to rebuild the Russian empire.
I think Lindsey Graham is an idiot, but I agree with what he said. Somebody in Russia needs to take him out. Not just for the world, but for the sake of their own country.

Yeah...but it would need to be a qualified marksman to hit Putin at the opposite end of that LOOOOONNNGGGG table!



Same-same for the Duma:

I think Lindsey Graham is an idiot, but I agree with what he said. Somebody in Russia needs to take him out. Not just for the world, but for the sake of their own country.

While I do agree with you on both points, I wonder if killing him would provake a Russian civil war? I don't know the mood on the ground of the Russian citizenry, but there appears to be some division.
I don't think he was actually afraid of NATO. I personally believe he was using NATO expansion as a "justification" for his ambition to rebuild the Russian empire.

Agreed. He knows that NATO was never a threat to invade Russia. He also knows he has all the power and can practically do what he wants because NATO will not risk Nuclear War. I fear for Latvia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, etc.
Agreed. He knows that NATO was never a threat to invade Russia. He also knows he has all the power and can practically do what he wants because NATO will not risk Nuclear War. I fear for Latvia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, etc.

I read earlier today that a majority of Finns now support joining NATO. I say welcome 'em in, the sooner the better.

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