"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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^^^^^^^^^ Some of the newer artillery uses GPS guided ammunition. If you have the coordinates, type it in, and let fly. In addition, a 155 artillery piece will "take out" a huge area with airburst ammo. It doesn't leave much to the imagination what it will do to "troops in the open" or lightly skinned vehicles. Downrange is no place to be..............
I'm amazed that they can hit the target. How is this accomplished? The gun crew can't see the target, so is there a drone or forward spotting team in communication with the gun crew?

Yes, that's been a thing for a long time now, since the use of balloons in the American Civil War if not before then. Spotting the fall of shot is precisely how you attain hits with guns that range fifteen miles or more, or are used in indirect fire.
Yes, that's been a thing for a long time now, since the use of balloons in the American Civil War if not before then. Spotting the fall of shot is precisely how you attain hits with guns that range fifteen miles or more, or are used in indirect fire.
But with the land so flat and open, the observers must be right up close. Surely their radio or cell communications would be at risk? Well, if the enemy weren't buffoons that is.
But with the land so flat and open, the observers must be right up close. Surely their radio or cell communications would be at risk? Well, if the enemy weren't buffoons that is.

Aircraft (rotary-wing, fixed-wing, and UAV) can be used to paint targets as well. So can satellites.

But a ground observer does not have to be in the open either. Today's equipment is hand held and just needs a line of sight.

Modern artillery pieces have GPS guided projectiles (if the operator has them). A ground soldier, vehicle, aircraft, or satellite can "paint" the target with good accuracy.

Equipment and communications are encrypted (unless you are the Russians… )
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But with the land so flat and open, the observers must be right up close. Surely their radio or cell communications would be at risk? Well, if the enemy weren't buffoons that is.

I'd think that open, flat terrain would see more drones and less ground observers in use. But even ground observers can use tools like binocular periscopes, laser designators, and so forth. Radar ranging can be done as well. Accurate land-based artillery fire is fairly easy compared to seaborne guns where both shooter and target are moving as well as rolling with the waves.
But with the land so flat and open, the observers must be right up close. Surely their radio or cell communications would be at risk? Well, if the enemy weren't buffoons that is.

Rather depends what radios they're using. Low-probability of intercept/low-probability of detection (LPI/LPD) systems do what they say - they're very hard to intercept or detect and hence can be used with little risk of being sensed by an adversary.

As others have noted, UAVs can also play a key role in targeting artillery, with geolocations pulled from aerial imagery in near-real time.
Then perhaps it's time for the West to stop acting exclusively in the background as quartermaster to Ukraine and to demonstrate its military power and resolve. An US-led NATO armoured corps. rolling into Ukraine, remaining exclusively in the northern Onlasts that border Belarus, excluding the Chernihiv Oblast that borders Russia. This Western force is placed to ostensibly guarantee against Belarusian aggression. Both Ukraine and NATO invites both India and China to participate in some peaceful role.

Sheesh...how many times do we have to go over this? NATO cannot get involved because none of the member nations has been attacked. Actively defending Ukrainian territory with NATO forces is still participating in the conflict, even if the NATO troops don't engage Russian forces. And if NATO did get involved, then Putin almost certainly would start pushing big red buttons.

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