"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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To bad the Ukrainian's cannot just break through and keep going all the way to Moscow.
Who knows :smirk:


Putin's regime will not survive this war no matter how he tries to win it. If we assume the premise that he wants to survive in order to benefit, he has already lost, because 1) he's started a war he cannot finish, 2) he's alienated many Russians who would otherwise support him, and 3) going nuclear means not only the end of his regime but also the destruction of the only tool in his toolbox, the Russian military.

He has already lost, in terms of his personal status and even survival. No successor of his will want to continue his policies, such as they are; any replacement for him will otherwise be victim to the same forces which undid him.

Will he use WMDs? Hard to say. He's painted his country into a corner where no matter if he decides to use them, or doesn't, anything other than military victory on the field will spell his end, and even a military victory will result in an insurgency to sap his country for years to come.
Agree. However, he is not going to accept he's lost. He will drag this bloody painful tragedy until he's in the Czarbunker with a gun to his head with Russian soldiers at the door.
For the most part I agree, but I still hope someday a General or politician with a half a brain cell walks into Putlers office with armed guard and removes him from power either in handcuffs and he stands trial for these crimes (preferable option), or carried out in a black bag (the decent human in me wants him to stand trial and answer for his crimes first though).
For the most part I agree, but I still hope someday a General or politician with a half a brain cell walks into Putlers office with armed guard and removes him from power either in handcuffs and he stands trial for these crimes (preferable option), or carried out in a black bag (the decent human in me wants him to stand trial and answer for his crimes first though).
I pinning my hopes on Shoigu. 🤣
I would like to be proven wrong, but I don't see anyone that's powerful enough to replace Putin AND has Russia's best interests at heart.

Putin's inner circle are all self-serving, power hungry douchebags - especially clowns like Medvedev.

While I do not disagree with your overall observation, I think everyone has a line that eventually gets crossed. Even self-serving, power hungry douchebags. In fact I see some of that very nature seeing Putins failures in Ukraine as an event that could drive them into power.

There is a reason Putler trusts no one, and limits who has physical contact with him. You don't do that if you are untouchable.
For the most part I agree, but I still hope someday a General or politician with a half a brain cell walks into Putlers office with armed guard and removes him from power either in handcuffs and he stands trial for these crimes (preferable option), or carried out in a black bag (the decent human in me wants him to stand trial and answer for his crimes first though).
Where is Von Stauffenberg when we need him?
The only way this works is if Putler launches a strike on a NATO country such as Poland and article 5 is enacted.

It could also work if Ukraine requests an intervention from an outside power without appealing to the rubric of NATO. Now, whether that is likely is another kettle of fish, and bloody unlikely if you ask me. But Ukraine can allow anyone to use its land in helping to fight this war, much as the UK allowed the Americans to build hundreds of bases to aid fighting WWII.

Whether that actually works without kicking off the big'un, not so sure. Definitely needs wargaming to read the many possible ramifications.
You see worn out, old geezers. But they bring with them a lifetime's worth of experience and wisdom.

Not to mention the ability to run the 100-yd dash in 48.3 seconds. If you thought the Russian care for their troops was bad before, wait 'til these guys -- with their wisdom and experience -- topple from a heart-attack wile charging a position, carrying 75 lbs of gear and running for their lives.

There's a reason why young men fight the wars and old men lead them. That's because the wisdom and experience is properly placed in leadership positions, not in front-line draftees.

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