"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (8 Viewers)

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And open the door for nuclear winter…

Nobody wins.
I'd seen some bizarre stories about the Ukraine conflict but this one's beyond bizarre. The US Army's first transgender officer (who transitioned from male to female) and her wife offered to provide information about US Army medical records from Fort Bragg to the Russian Embassy in hopes that, somehow, it might provide info on how the US Army is helping train Ukrainians.

It all sounds like a B-movie plot....so I'll let all you smart people try and figure out what on earth is going on with this story:


The only way this works is if Putler launches a strike on a NATO country such as Poland and article 5 is enacted.
Diversity is our strength.
Oh yeah, now they're stating that the release of gas is now having a direct effect on climate change.

Lots of other things going on across the globe like volcanoes, the gateway to hell (which is still burning after 50 years), the burning cities in Ukraine, forest fires and much more, but I guess one simply cannot allow a good opportunity to to waste...

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