"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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And I also hurt for the children of the Russian soldiers sent to die in Ukraine. They too are victims of this tyrannical regime and so many now will grow up without a father.
Soldiers always pay the price of the fools in power.

I have always given thanks that the war I served in was Cold, though we still had men and women who went home in a flag draped box.
I have always given thanks that the war I served in was Cold, though we still had men and women who went home in a flag draped box.
I never was sent overseas during the rumble in the jungle, but I still attended too many funerals In my four years. ACM training is risky business, and too many "walking wounded" sent to tropical island paradise to get their head together didn't make it.
What a subtle way of encouraging a coup!

Also, any confirmation of this?

To both tweets:

KYIV, Sept 30 (Reuters) - President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Friday Ukraine was formally applying for fast-track membership of the NATO military alliance and that Kyiv was ready for talks with Moscow, but not with President Vladimir Putin.

The Ukrainian leader made his comments in a video which appeared intended as a forceful rebuttal to the Kremlin after Putin held a ceremony in Moscow to proclaim four partially occupied Ukrainian regions as annexed Russian land.

"We are taking our decisive step by signing Ukraine's application for accelerated accession to NATO," Zelenskiy said in a video on Telegram.

The video showed Zelenskiy announcing the membership bid and then signing a document flanked by his prime minister and the speaker of parliament.

The announcement was likely to touch a nerve in Moscow which casts the NATO bloc at home as a hostile military alliance bent on encroaching in Moscow sphere of influence and destroying it.

Well, Vlad, it looks like your fears have come to life.
Soldiers always pay the price of the fools in power.

I have always given thanks that the war I served in was Cold, though we still had men and women who went home in a flag draped box.
Most people don't realize how many soldiers/sailors/airmen are lost in operational accidents. The stuff they work with every day are designed to very efficiently kill people. Sometimes it is just something stupid, like falling backwards off a deuce- and-a- half tailgate doing 30 mph. It happened.

Being an Air Force firefighter, we were keenly aware that fire didn't really care about whether or not we were at war. The only fatality in my fire station during my hitch happened in a peacetime training fire. He died in the line of duty and gave his life for his country all the same -- your number could come up at any time.

An active flight-line is a very dangerous workplace whether or not we are at war, and no matter your actual job.
An active flight-line is a very dangerous workplace whether or not we are at war, and no matter your actual job.
Our A school instructors would show us their cruise books from their tours on Yankee Station. The first two pages were all black with all the fatalities' portraits, officers (mostly flight crew) on one side, and enlisted (mostly flight deck and "black gang") on the other. Enlisted always outnumbered officers, though the officers were flying combat over the north. EXCEPTION: We saw a Forrestal cruise book that had ten black pages of thumbnail pictures.

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