"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (8 Viewers)

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From a work colleague who's tracking social media about Ukraine. I don't think Russia will be able to hold any forces on the Oskil River; the salient north of Borova is ripe for being cut off by Ukrainian forces. Also, look for Svatove to be liberated in the next few days. Further south, if Russia isn't careful, their forces north of the Dnipro River in Kherson could simply be rolled up east-to-west by the Ukrainian offensive.


Today, Ukrainian forces on the east side of the Oskil River entered Borova which has/had (status unclear) one of the only bridges across the Oskil. Russian troops pulled back to the high ground west of Svatove. Ukrainian troops are on the western outskirts of Kreminna and control the P66 from Krasnoriches'ke to Maklivka. To the north, the Ukrainian army is pressing southeastward from Kyslivka toward Svatove on the H26. Only a few decent roads through farmland.

Kreminna is mostly surrounded by dense forest and will be hard to defend. Former DPR Defense Minister (and FSB officer), Igor Girken claimed "Russian authorities ordered Svatove to evacuate within 72 hours."

Ukrainian tactics have reportedly emphasized the use of small units (e.g. special operations forces to outflank the Russians using trails , seize control of key junctures, set up blocking forces, bring in larger forces, and then encircle the Russians.



Yesterday and today, Russian defensive lines in northeastern Kherson Oblast collapsed, with the Ukrainians seizing the following towns:

  • Shevchenkivka
  • Mykhailivka
  • Novo Oleksandrivka (saw pictures of Ukrainian soldiers posing
  • Havrylivka ( I saw a photo of the Ukrainian flag flying over the administrative building)
  • Dudshany (The Russians blew up the bridge at the reservoir to stop the Ukrainian advance. Russian media suggests this will just delay further Ukrainian advances))

The breakthrough threatens the Russian rear. Some accounts on social media suggest that there are 25,000 Russian soldiers on the right (north) side of the Dnipro River. These forces face constrained supplies.

Is it cruel of me to hope that his progeny are removed by the fighting, thus stopping his kind of mindset persisting into future generations?

Hmmm…might need to do some reading up on use of child soldiers.

If they are being treated as nothing, and the responses aren't being publicize. They also may be getting ignored because they're completely ineffective.

Agreed, but then there have been successful attacks on American infrastructure in the last few years traced back to the Russian troll-farms, and I think a public statement that doing stuff like that will be considered a hostile act and subject to reply ought to be made. We shouldn't wait for a Stuxnet-type event to unfold in America before making that announcement; we should chill the waters right now, IMO.
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Interesting vid, including mention of the limitations of the low ammunition capacity of their tanks, requiring three withdraws for reload. Which does speak well of the AFU logistics train that they have well-stocked resupply vehicles nearby. Twenty-two shells spread out over HE and AP does seem low, when Abrams and Leo2 carry forty or more.

The booby-trapped landmines was something I hadn't considered.

I love the quiet confidence of these troops. I also love how the commander of the tank troop used his drones for unit command.
That would be my approach. When Russia took East Prussia to create the Kaliningrad Oblast the Russians rounded up all the Germans and expelled them. That seems to be the right way. Meanwhile, Georgia seems to be welcoming thousands of Russians…. not wise.

Only one difference here, and a huge one. The Russians were expelling German's from German land, whereas here they would be expelling "Russians" from Ukrainian lands.

To the victors go the spoils of war though… ;)
This is a harsh account, only for the Strong hearted. But shows why Ukrainians should not stop this war, under any circumstances, until the last russian is out of their rightful borders.
And why we, the west, shouldn't stop supporting them.


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