"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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This has been reported elsewhere but it still provides interesting insights into the in-fighting among Kremlin loyalists. The comments at the end about "hotheads" and "turbo patriots" are particularly noteworthy.

This is a harsh account, only for the Strong hearted. But shows why Ukrainians should not stop this war, under any circumstances, until the last russian is out of their rightful borders.
And why we, the west, shouldn't stop supporting them.
Agreed. I don't know how Ukraine is going to forgive Russia for this. It took a complete regime and mindset change away from fascism in Germany for Israel and the Jewish people to come to terms and rapprochement with the Germans. There is hope though, as Germany and Israel today share excellent relations, spurred on by the former's accepting of its history.

Perhaps that's the path Russia must go, to hit rock bottom, and then to reach up to others, including those it persecuted for help out of the pit. Let's hope my yet to be conceived grandchildren get to see that day.
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Another update on the situation in Kherson. More progress for Ukrainian forces:

Dramatic battlefield changes in Kherson as of this morning. This is a Russian map. The Ukrainian army is pressing toward Mylove, which threatened to envelopment of Russian forces. Accordingly, the remaining Russian troops in NE Kherson pulled back to establish more defensible lines, giving up Davydiv Brid, and setting the stage for defense of the Nova Khakova dam/bridge at Beryslavka and Kozatske.

Former FSB officer and former Russian separatist defense minister, Igor Girken, was furious about the withdrawal from Davydiv Brid as the Russians had fought tough battles to seize it and were well-entrenched. Now, he believes the goal of the Russian command is to reduce size of the front line and ensure control of the dam, the crossing, and the water supply to Crimea.

Concentrating forces above the dam, however, makes them vulnerable to artillery—especially HIMARS—attacks. This could be the beginning of the endgame in Kherson for the Russians.

We can hope that the subs are as well "maintained" as the tanks. If so the test will probably destroy the sub.
Seeing as how I got this info from a YouTube site I hesitated to mention it. The presenter said that no Russian sub is quieter than the day it's first launched. I don't know when that was for Belgorod. I didn't pay attention to its Doomsday Kamikaze Torpedo of Doom, Death Weapon.
Ukraine could liberate the entire north bank of the Dnipro River within a week. One can only hope!!!!
Only but the most loyal to Putin in Russia's Kherson force north of the Dnieper river must be considering to surrender. What's the downside? You'll get to live, likely be well treated and fed and when this is over return to your families.
Seeing as how I got this info from a YouTube site I hesitated to mention it. The presenter said that no Russian sub is quieter than the day it's first launched. I don't know when that was for Belgorod. I didn't pay attention to its Doomsday Kamikaze Torpedo of Doom, Death Weapon.
Yeah - one of Vladolph Putler's "Wunder Waffe" weapons.

The supposed doomsday "torpedoes" (which are more the size of a medium range missile) are claimed to generate a 1,600 foot high, radioactive tsunami.

Ok, so that's nothing new. Test Baker, at Bikini Atoll in July '46 was detonated at a depth of 90 feet, created a water column over a mile high and a tsunami 94 feet tall. It was a 21kt bomb.

Any nuclear equipped military can do the same thing if they drop a nuke in the water...

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