"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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I missed this when it happened. Tass, Fontanka, and Kommersant, were all hacked by Anonymous on 28 February. The message they inserted into the Fontanka website was as follows:

Dear citizens,

We urge you to stop this madness, do not send your sons and husbands to certain death. Putin makes us lie and puts us in danger.

We will be isolated from the whole world, they will stop buying oil and gas. In a few years we will live like in North Korea. What is in it for us?

To put Putin in the textbooks? This is not our war, let's stop it! This message will be deleted, and some of us will be fired or even jailed. But we can't take it anymore.

Indifferent journalists of Russia.
Bill, respect your opinions, I have zero respect for Ritter. I'll just leave it at that.
You should change sources and travel more to Europe (if you have ever been here).

Although EU and UK economies will slow down a bit, it won't be as bad as you try to picture it. Nobody is going to starve in the dark, actually nobody did during the 2008 recesion which was 10 x worse. And no, we don't want to lift sanctions, only a few idiots think we should do so, most Europeans actually think that sanctions should be hardened. As of Italy, Meloni has eloquently embraced the EU and NATO position to support Ukraine. And Sweden has requested NATO membership.

Forget about overwhelming artillery, more recruits are useless. What you need is good logistics, and Russia is not having that. They never had to start with and they are only degrading in that respect, the arrival of HIMARS has been a game changer.

Regarding Putin, no matter if he is blufing or not, we should never make concessions to a nuclear blackmailer. Its a recipe for future nuclear war the same way that making concessions to Hitler was the recipe for WWII. We either stop Putin now in Ukraine or we will have to fight him again in the Baltic States or in Poland a few years from now.
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I agee but not on this.
HIMARS has been a game changer.
The game changer was and is the fighting spirit of UKR. You can put in all advanced weapons you want but if there is no fight in the people it is useless. Now with fighting spirit AND Himars thats a combo like a iron fist and an anvil.
And they have the combined output of most all secret agencies. Information gathered at Bletchley Park was nr 1 in winning ww2. Nothing changed in a army to army battle i believe.
Bill, respect your opinions, I have zero respect for Ritter. I'll just leave it at that.

Just a side thought as to how these dubious sources become popular. I'm also NOT saying this about Bill or anyone else here.

The problem is that people gravitate to sources that tell them what their preconceived notions, opinions, and beliefs tell them. They don't want to know the truth or fact (or care about truth or fact) Everything they don't want to hear is "fake news" regardless of its credibility or not. I don't like that. It goes against what I am told to believe. It's fake. Or, they said something bad about me (even if its true. Its fake news

Damn that buzzword gives me a migraine headache.

Additionally, there has been a hugely successful "indoctrination/propaganda campaign" that basically tells people there is a deep conspiracy going on, and the media is part of it. It's really scary how many people have joined this "cult" like movement, and how people are incapable of actually thinking for themselves (even though they claim to be the ones doing the thinking).

Anyhow, we are starting to dabble way past the politics section we should not be doing. So I will say no more.
I disagee on that. Sources and how one should value them is prime. Lets take it out of politics and back in a realm we know more then most.
If a poster here would say the p-39 should have been the prime fighter, i do think most of use would ask what sources the poster used to get to that opinion. Sources and the people who make those are to be viewed and weighed. The person we now discuss has been to that i think and come out short. It is not all the person says is doodoo but on the whole should be labbeled with a caution warning.

No disagreement. I'm only stating how these dubious sources have become so popular.

I should have added when they post their sources it usually cones with the obligatory "I did my research. I watched a video on the internet."
Breaking this down

A couple of weeks ago I predicted that OPEC would raise a single digit salute to US and NATO. I still predict economic disaster for EU, and indrectly UK, pointing to inflation and currency.
Will times get more difficult? probably a little, but disaster, not a chance. Why because they have the support of each other, now the Russian economy, that will be a real rail crash. Interestingly, long term this will be good for Europe as they will be weaned off oil to a significant degree. Nuclear fusion is coming and he first site for the UK's prototype reactor has already been chosen. Other countries will soon follow and may well be ahead.

A Nord Pipeline was destroyed, not by Russia - So who?

A lot of folks are going to starve in the dark in eastern Europe (Those countries not able to politically rely on coal power and the few Nucs left), - Again who. In a democracy if the people start getting close to being short of food, the power stations will be turned back on. IN Russia like N Korea the people starve

Natural Gas and Fuel Oil will continue via third parties at 2X to 3X of January 2022 crude peg but not AFFORDABLE by the PEOPLE. People get grumpy when confronted with choice 'Food vs safe Shelter - but not both'. Look to Populist leadership changes in Italy and Sweden. Countries are doing well at the moment (in the west) and will adapt. Notice that the new leader in Italy is supportive of Ukraine

The landscape is changing. Correct, totally agree, Russia is totally F----d. No economy, No Army, No Airforce, No political system, no overseas power and totally open to Chinese intervention in the East. The landscape is indeed changing

Zelensky is pressuring NATO to come to the fight, up to and including nucs. So where has Zelensky asked for Nato to join in or ask for Nuc's?

Russia may be going through trying times as far as personnel losses, You have seen the T62's being brought out of storage, mobilised troops having to buy their own armour, first aid kits, basic equipment, winter uniforms. Don't you agree that this is more than just killed and wounded

but less than Ukraine as a % of reserves. Everybody is led to believe Putin is in deep kimchi. Maybe. Probably not. Deploying National Guard and then draftees into the battle will (In My stupid, ill informed opinion) will enable Russia to systematically reduce Ukraine's front line forces. Not by frontal assault, but systematic reduction by overwhelming artillery, as the 'newbies' are assimilated. There is so much wrong with this I don't know where to start. All I will say is that if Russia is out of kit now, what will they be using with another 200,000 men, T54/54's

I don't think Putin is bluffing and strongly believe that leaders in EU and NATO and US need to hit a pause and seriously examine what Putin is saying. He knowsthat if he does this then the army in Ukraine will be destroyed by air power. Just an aside, Your belief is that Ukraine is losing, if Russia is winning why would they need Nuc's? Just asking

I have been 'chastised' for my sources, and I accept that. I haven't seen any worth a candle

For those that are interested in the thoughts and analysis of Scott Ritter - take some time to listen to his perspectives. skip the first ten minutes and get to the questions and answers of the show. Re: Nordstream pipeline His perspectives of the US potential motivations of core interest groups in driving industry from EU (Germany) to US is certainly plausible. I have and I have never seen a less plausible set of words.
I bet the program will be overwhelmed when the new "partial mobilization" soldiers start arriving in numbers.
3 meals a day is so tempting

Hopefully, all those that surrender could be the vanguard of a political change in Rusia when the war is over and the POWs go back home.

Yes, I know, kind of optimistic. No need to fry me with rainbows, I will do it myself.

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