"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Some interesting info.

~93,000 have gone to Georgia according to the Russian news outlet Fontanka.
I wonder if that includes those fleeing to Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
Kazakhstan has said 'no'. (Kazakhstan has set up special welcoming stations along the border with food, water and other essentials.)
Kazakhstan is done with Russia and is leaning on Beijing for security.

Unlike other former USSR states, they are untouchable by Russia now. Same goes for the other 'Stans to their south, now geographically separated from Russia.

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Not many info about this, but hoping is true.

As to the Nordstream pipeline bombing, it's not the U.S.
1). No reason to. We are winning.
2). I cannot see President Biden unleashing such an environmental catastrophe without any regard.
It's Russia.
1). I believe Putin has been facing his mortality in a way that has been affecting his actions. He's acting more and more rashly. He had been playing the long game. He did an excellent job of sowing political discord in the West. Lately, he's playing cards before he has to. Now after so many reversals, his army is exposed as a sham army, the utter corruption of his government laid bare and it's coming into Moscow's homes. Putin is showing weakness. I think he believes he has been running out of time to restore the Empire.
2). Putin displays no regard to human life or ecological harm.
Happy birthday, Asshole.
No disagreement. I'm only stating how these dubious sources have become so popular.

I should have added when they post their sources it usually cones with the obligatory "I did my research. I watched a video on the internet."

Rather than digest and promulgate the opinions of this or that talking head, I prefer to read -- read, not watch -- the hard-news outlets and arrive at my own opinions. Reading forces me to think more about the content; it also gives the journalist(s) the ability to go into depth they may not be able to do with video. And I stick with hard news outlets for the most part because I've looked at their objectivity and find it much more useful.

Also, I'm tired of seeing "entertainment" dressed up as news, but that's another thread for another forum, so I'll leave it at that.
Rather than digest and promulgate the opinions of this or that talking head, I prefer to read -- read, not watch -- the hard-news outlets and arrive at my own opinions. Reading forces me to think more about the content; it also gives the journalist(s) the ability to go into depth they may not be able to do with video. And I stick with hard news outlets for the most part because I've looked at their objectivity and find it much more useful.

Also, I'm tired of seeing "entertainment" dressed up as news, but that's another thread for another forum, so I'll leave it at that.

Agreed on both accounts. I like using various news sources, preferably those from different spectrums. Usually the truth is in the middle, and you just have to separate the opinionated spin.

Unfortunately, people almost always gravitate to whoever spins the news to their particular ideology simply because they want to read/watch things they agree with. I think it gives them a sense of belonging to something they perceive as being better, all while patting themselves on the back because they were "right all along."

The worst thing anyone can do is listen to "opinionated mouth pieces" such as Tucker Carlson, Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhardt, Brian Kilmeade (Fox & Friends), Steve Cuomo, Don Lemmon, or CNN New Day (not sure who is even on that show anymore) because that is all they are: Ideologically Slanted Opinions for entertainment purposes. They are not the news, and are not reporting any truths.

I actually have a friend who literally calls Tucker Carlson the only voice of truth and reason. Needless to say, we don't see each other often anymore. The last time we spoke he was spewing Tucker's anti Ukraine, pro Putin slobbering BS. I'm not going to waste my time…
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Agreed on both accounts. I like using various news sources, preferably those from different spectrums. Usually the truth is in the middle, and you just have to separate the opinionated spin.

Unfortunately, people almost always gravitate to whoever spins the news to their particular ideology simply because they want to read/watch things they agree with. I think it gives them a sense of belonging to something they perceive as being better, all while patting themselves on the back because they were "right all along."

The worse thing anyone can do is listen to "opinionated mouth pieces" such as Tucker Carlson, Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhardt, Brian Kilmeade (Fox & Friends), Steve Cuomo, Don Lemmon, or CNN New Day (not sure who is even on that show anymore) because that is all they are: Ideologically Slanted Opinions for entertainment purposes. They are not the news, and are not reporting any truths.

There's so much truth and wisdom here in your post. Cross-check sources. Where they disagree, you can reckon that the facts haven't been really established. Where they do overlap, you're more likely to find the truth of the matter.
I miss the days when YouTube was a source for music videos, combat-sim tracks and cat vids.

A while back, a friend sent me a video about the alarming sea level rise (he claims it's risen over three feet in the past 65 years) and I said I'll pass.
He said "oh, so you don't follow science, huh?" and I asked, how was your trip to Hawaii?".
He paused for a moment because of the shift in the convo, but said it was a great time. I asked about his visit to the USS Arizona memorial and he said it was very somber experience.
"So you could actually see the Arizona?" I asked, and he said "of course, why".

I looked him square in the eye and said "because it sank over 70 years ago. If the sea has risen three feet, it would be under water. There's your science, dumbass."

We don't talk much anymore...
This was a press briefing held two days ago.

It is full of useful information, numbers and such.

Of interest, is the comments regarding the provision of Western armor, which falls along the lines of what I've stated previously.

That was an informative read. Thanks for posting it.
There's so much truth and wisdom here in your post. Cross-check sources. Where they disagree, you can reckon that the facts haven't been really established. Where they do overlap, you're more likely to find the truth of the matter.

What I am about to say here is going to sound political, but its really just demonstrating how these "opinion pieces" work. So please bare with me here, and realize the intent is not to be political.

Reality: An airliner crashed into the ocean today killing all 230 people on board. Investigators say the pilots reported the loss of both engines 10 minutes before the aircraft crashed.

How Tucker Reports it: An airliner crashed into the ocean today killing all 230 people on board. Sources tell me its Obama's fault because he did not regulate the engine manufacturer back when he was a student in Chicago.

How Don Lemmon Reports it: An airliner crashed into the ocean today killing all 230 people on board. Why? Trump. Because.

And unfortunately their cult like "critical thinker followers" lap it up. "Its true. I saw it on Tucker. Also I heard Joe Rogen talk about it on his podcast! Wake up! Use your brain! Q will set you free!!!!

And having said that, I have gone so far off the topic that is really important: Putlers war of aggression on Ukraine. I will now return to that topic and try not to stray again.

My apologies to all.
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But I also must say thank you to everyone. Even when we stray off topic and get into these damn near political discussions we have all remained civil for the most part. Thank you warbird family.

I have three goals in visiting this thread:

!) To gather useful scuttlebutt I might not be getting from my news feeds;

2) To provide information to others, from articles I have read, that may (or may not) help inform other members here; and

3) To make sure I do nothing to put this thread in danger of being closed. That's actually pretty hard for me at times like this because I'm a very politically-minded person -- but this thread and the information it provides is much more important than my desire to spout off. I save that for forums which focus on, or at least allow, freewheeling political discourse.

I guess there's also a fourth, to wit, putting in the occasional funny to garner cheap laughs and cheap likes. :D
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Happy 70th birthday Mr Putin….here, please accept my gift of a tractor!

I guess irony isn't a thing in Belarus or Russia?

Just when I thought the stories emerging from Moscow couldn't get any more bizarre! Check out the piles of melons that were also give as a gift.

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