"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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Vast amounts of speculation on cause.

Leading candidate seems to be a truck bomb, possibly a suicide attack.

Another possibility is a boat bomb.

Third is a Russian ammunition truck spontaneously deciding to "smoke a cigarette".

Then there's a range of other options: ballistic missile, cruise missile, sabotage teams, Jewish space lasers....

If it was the Ukrainians, it's a massive benefit- it adds heavily to the logistics burden in the south AND then new main GLOC is well within HIMARS range.

If it was an accident, then it might be one of the biggest own goals in military history.
According to BBC reporting, the road bridge has partially reopened to cars and buses (although every vehicle is being inspected before it is allowed to cross). Trucks are forces to use a nearby ferry to transit into Crimea.

Russia reportedly will have the rail link restored in a few days, perhaps as early as this evening (although it's already evening in Crimea so that seems a tad optimistic to me).
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Ok...I'm feeling a bit smug this morning.

A while back, I wrote to the BBC that their map keys for the Ukraine war didn't make sense. They had pink areas as Russian occupied, pink striped areas as "Russian advances" and purple areas as ground regained by Ukraine. The pink striped definition worked when Russia was advancing. However, as Ukrainian forces took back territory, the maps often showed "Russian advances" lining up against territory retaken by Ukraine.

You really can't have both sides advancing at the same time in the same area...at least not for long. So I suggested to the BBC that they change the definition of the striped area to be something like "control of this region is contested." Nothing changed for a while...but then I saw this map this morning. Looks like they listened to my recommendation!

Ok, in reality, my one voice may not have made a blind bit of difference...but I'm going to claim it anyway!
Interesting essay describing combats for the village of Dovhenke, showing the difference in tactics between Russians and Ukrainians.


In yet another irony in this war, Moscow's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said "the reaction of the Kyiv regime to the destruction of civilian infrastructure shows its terrorist nature." Funny how she never speaks out when Ukrainian civilian infrastructure is attacked by Russian forces.

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