"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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This quote caught my eye but it's only one of many

16/ The repeated disasters devastated Russian morale. Shayga says that "almost everyone" from his unit refused orders to continue attacking Dovhenke, as did the spetsnaz, airborne troops and Wagner mercenaries. They saw the orders as suicidal.
If this report is accurate, it demonstrates a woeful lack of leadership, morale, warrior culture in the Russian military.
What western army would tell their troops "You don't have to fight if you don't want to." ?
I remember some video mocking US military recruiting ads compared to Russian recruiting ads. But here we see an almost utter lack of any kind of military discipline.
Another theory about the bridge. Hard to believe, but who knows. I'm not convinced about the "truck theory" either.


The videos I have seen shows the initial explosion atop the bridge and not underneath. The same videos reveals no sign of rocket attack, nor do they exclude it.

"I'll take 'Disasters Caused By Smokers' for a True Daily Double, Alex." However they did it, it worked.
How did Germany vote on Leopard 2 transfer? Without Germany onside I don't think it matters what the EU wants re. Leopard 2 tanks for Ukraine.

Like many arms-suppliers, Germany retains the right of refusal. It's written into the contract, right? America and others do the same, and because you need spare parts, the manufacturing country can actually have you by the short hairs.
Agreed. That's why I'm asking how Germany voted in this EU decision. I can't find it.
Germany didn't vote as a country. The vote was in the european parlament, were members are elected in an EU wide election with a certain number of members to be elected for each country. The votes in the europarlament are usually non binding, specially in foreing affairs were they are more statements of intent that anything else.

The European Council decides on the foreing affairs and is formed by the heads of state or government of the EU countries and the president of the European Commission.

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