"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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One of the reasons we're dealing with such an obnoxious government in Iran is because of the 1953 regime change we Americans and Brits forced upon them.
Goes around, comes around. Reap what you sow. The Supreme Leader and his minions have no monopoly on obnoxious. We seem to be eternally blind to the potential of blowback.
One of the reasons we're dealing with such an obnoxious government in Iran is because of the 1953 regime change we Americans and Brits forced upon them.
True, but sometimes foreign interference in regime change works for the best. Look at the USA, without France interfering in 1776 et al, perhaps Washington is hanged from his famed apple tree and King Charles III would be ruling over the 13 colonies today….

Of course, participating in that regime change was a disaster for France's government and society, with ten years of revolution and over 40,000 executed. So there is that lesson to be wary of as we consider helping the Iranian protests along.

Getting back to Ukraine, Canada was involved in their 2019 elections, advising on what was legit and what was not.

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KYIV/MYKOLAIV, Ukraine, Oct 18 (Reuters) - Ukraine said Russia had destroyed almost a third of its power stations over the past week as Moscow stepped up a pre-winter campaign to strike infrastructure, a move the West says is a calculated attempt to disrupt and demoralise.

Missiles struck power generating facilities in a clutch of Ukrainian cities home to millions of people and several people were killed. Moscow acknowledged targeting energy plants, while Ukraine said water infrastructure had also been hit.

"The situation is critical now across the country ... the whole country needs to prepare for electricity, water and heating outages," Kyrylo Tymoshenko, deputy head of the Ukrainian president's office, told Ukrainian television.

Every death from hypothermia there this winter will be a Russian war crime.
Every death from hypothermia there this winter will be a Russian war crime.
Agreed. But Ukrainians are resilient people with very strong family and community ties, so I do not expect too many weather related fatalities within Ukrainian-held territory. Ukrainians in rural areas will need to rely on wood stoves for heat. Those in urban areas will need to be moved to larger buildings that can be heated through generators or other means.... buildings that must be defended against drone and missile attack.

Those Ukrainians in Russian-held territory are in trouble this winter as the ill-equipped and increasingly cutoff Russians are forced to live off the land.
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Given that the potential for a winter humanitarian disaster in the former Yugoslavia prompted NATO intervention in the Balkans, I'm wondering if Russia's attacks against Ukrainian power generation may change the decision calculus in Mons? I'm not suggesting that NATO will go in all-guns-blazing to attack Russian forces. However, a humanitarian operation to provide power generation capabilities etc. could be implemented that would bring a modest number of non-combat troops on the ground in Ukraine.

I'm sure NATO leaders are nervous about such a move for fear of escalation. However, the scale of the humanitarian problem may force their hand. It's one thing to have millions of refugees leaving Ukraine. It's another thing entirely for people to be dying in situ for lack of water, power or heat.
Nord Stream pipeline update:

It's amazing to me that with so many SSNs, ASW ships/aircraft and undersea surveillance in the Baltic that no one saw anything. My guess is NATO knows full well what happened but doesn't want to reveal how they know, so is playing dumb. Now if we can only find that Malaysian airliner than vanished off the earth.
With myth of reprisals for the bridge blast now blown away, Finish destroying the damn bridge already.
Indeed. I hope that Biden has sent some ATACMS missiles for this very job.

On the plus side, something is definitely afoot with the AFU. There's a near total news blackout. MSM guesses are that the AFU are about to smash their way to Kherson City or make a dash for Melitopol. We'll know in the next 48-72 hours.

Who has the largest and most powerful army in eastern Europe? Ne vy, not you Russia. Not you.
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Sanctions work. But very very slowly.

Russian railway is on the verge of collapse

The threat of a collapse in freight traffic is growing at Russian Railways due to a shortage of bearings for heavy-duty wagons, reports Railway Supply citing sp
Was there a raid on Schweinfurt that we did not hear about? :cool:
Looks like it's a bad time to be a recruiting officer in Russia.

Think of the job description
Great Promotion prospects, Pension plan has its drawbacks
KYIV/MYKOLAIV, Ukraine, Oct 18 (Reuters) - Ukraine said Russia had destroyed almost a third of its power stations over the past week as Moscow stepped up a pre-winter campaign to strike infrastructure, a move the West says is a calculated attempt to disrupt and demoralise.

Missiles struck power generating facilities in a clutch of Ukrainian cities home to millions of people and several people were killed. Moscow acknowledged targeting energy plants, while Ukraine said water infrastructure had also been hit.

"The situation is critical now across the country ... the whole country needs to prepare for electricity, water and heating outages," Kyrylo Tymoshenko, deputy head of the Ukrainian president's office, told Ukrainian television.

Every death from hypothermia there this winter will be a Russian war crime.
Funny how their missiles hit where they want to, when they want to. All those apartment buildings got hit when they were aiming at military targets, RIIIIIIIIGHT !!!!!!

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