"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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That was in response to Der Adler, who wondered how many politicians/bureaucrats have been targeted/turned by Russian influence campaigns.
His post was in response to the firing of the German cybersecurity chief, who was found to have connections with Russian interests.
The war is not just in Ukraine. That is the physical battlefield, but the whole world is taking part, in one form or another. People who couldn't find Ukraine on a map are suffering because of this ill-conceived adventure by Putin. People around the world are facing hunger and higher energy costs due to the disruption of normal trade brought on by this "special military action". We know that Russian (and Soviet) intelligence has been targeting our leaders for the past century, that they are running misinformation and disinformation campaigns in every western nation, and that more than a few have been co-opted. Their methods are broad-ranging and subtle. And, sadly, there are people in every country willing to sell out their country for nothing more than a feeling of moral superiority.

Right, but wondering about what-ifs using the last American presidential election seems pretty extraneous. Of course there's a political angle to this -- as with every war.

For what it's worth, I know what my answer to your question is, but that discussion isn't worth it, especially being that it's hypothetical.

I do apologize to you for my missing the genesis of the conversation and thereby making you look like the instigator.
I was responding to a previous post, which suggested that our previous president was in the bag for Putin.
That was in response to Der Adler, who wondered how many politicians/bureaucrats have been targeted/turned by Russian influence campaigns.
His post was in response to the firing of the German cybersecurity chief, who was found to have connections with Russian interests.
The war is not just in Ukraine. That is the physical battlefield, but the whole world is taking part, in one form or another. People who couldn't find Ukraine on a map are suffering because of this ill-conceived adventure by Putin. People around the world are facing hunger and higher energy costs due to the disruption of normal trade brought on by this "special military action". We know that Russian (and Soviet) intelligence has been targeting our leaders for the past century, that they are running misinformation and disinformation campaigns in every western nation, and that more than a few have been co-opted. Their methods are broad-ranging and subtle. And, sadly, there are people in every country willing to sell out their country for nothing more than a feeling of moral superiority.

Excuse me? Where did I mention the previous president?

Don't drag me into this bullshit. I made a general statement about NATO member states and its relationship with the US which extends far more than just the US governement. I think there was an concerted effort by Putin, and the FSB to weaken NATO with players throughout the organization, and member nations.
Just because Ukraine has been quiet lately, doea not mean they are suffering setbacks.

Let's go back a few months and recall when chatter from Ukraine became quiet.

Within a few days, their feint and subsequent true offensive was unleashed.

The Ukraine military has been spectacular not only with their tactics and fighting form, but they are masters of the mind game.

Whatever hell they are about to unleash on the Red Army should be worth the wait.

Well, unless you happen to be in the Red Army - if that's the case, sucks to be you...
Just because Ukraine has been quiet lately, doea not mean they are suffering setbacks.

Let's go back a few months and recall when chatter from Ukraine became quiet.

Within a few days, their feint and subsequent true offensive was unleashed.

The Ukraine military has been spectacular not only with their tactics and fighting form, but they are masters of the mind game.

Whatever hell they are about to unleash on the Red Army should be worth the wait.

Well, unless you happen to be in the Red Army - if that's the case, sucks to be you...

I hope you're right. I also think that after the criss-cross Ukraine pulled on Russia in September, this silence on the part of Ukraine now is probably designed specifically to be unnerving. "Are they being quiet because there's nothing doing, or is this quiet another form of misdirection?" would be the question hopefully prompted. An unsure enemy is usually an off-balance enemy.
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I was getting a little concerned as I saw a "few" articles seaming to the Russians pushing back the Ukrainians. However, if that was true Russian would be talking about it left and right, instead they also appear to be a little quiet.

I've read those too, and don't doubt them. There's a couple of towns they're still driving for from my understanding.

It may be too that the Ukrainian offensive is slowing down because they're rotating troops back prepping for something. Hard to suss either way. That's perhaps the point, is what I'm thinking.
It's interesting that the Russia was at first on the offensive and is now only able to wait and react, not a good strategy in enemy

As a tank person noted years ago - It's alright to have reactive armour but it's even more alright to be making the other side use theirs
first. Something like that.
It's amazing to me that with so many SSNs, ASW ships/aircraft and undersea surveillance in the Baltic that no one saw anything. My guess is NATO knows full well what happened but doesn't want to reveal how they know, so is playing dumb. Now if we can only find that Malaysian airliner than vanished off the earth.
You're assuming that the ordinance was delivered from outside the pipeline.
If the explosive was attached to a PIG (pipeline inspection gauge) then there's nothing that could have been done to prevent it, even if they knew it was happening.
Remember that Ukraine doesn't use Russian tactics. The Ukrainians probe enemy defenses at a variety of points. They pull back if an enemy position is too strong or after finding out what they need to know. These "retreats" are then reported by the Russians as major Russian victories.
The Russians seem to use tactics borrowed from Zap Brannigan.

I think the Ukrainians are being silent just to screw with the orcs' minds.
As mentioned before, the Ukrainians hold their cards close to their chest.

And let's remember that Putler is working from Hitler's playbook. He's a delusional asshole who calls all the shots and uses propaganda and terror as a tool to achieve his goals.
His adversary is free-thinking, fluid both on the learning curve and in tactics.

Spin the "way back wheel" to WWII and see how the Allies beat Hitler.
If you've read the book, you know how this will end.
Remember that Ukraine doesn't use Russian tactics. The Ukrainians probe enemy defenses at a variety of points. They pull back if an enemy position is too strong or after finding out what they need to know. These "retreats" are then reported by the Russians as major Russian victories.
The Russians seem to use tactics borrowed from Zap Brannigan.

I think the Ukrainians are being silent just to screw with the orcs' minds.
Ah yes, Zapp Brannigan. The man (well, acrylic drawing) who said, "Never trust a neutral, At least with your enemies
you know where you stand."

Applying this sort of thinking to current Russian methods does seem appropriate.
The last thing anyone needs is for Russia to know what Zelensky is up to.
Zelenskyy is a superlative politician, global spokesman, leader of his people and procurer for Ukraine's military, but he's no general. When this is over I hope CinC AFU General Valerii Zaluzhnyi gets some credit. It's what Zaluzhnyi is up to that should worry the Russians.

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KYIV, Oct 19 (Reuters) - One of the most senior Russian-appointed officials in occupied Ukraine said the Ukrainian army was poised to begin an attempt to retake the southern city of Kherson and urged residents to evacuate for their safety.

Kirill Stremousov, deputy head of the local Russia-backed administration, made a video appeal after Russian forces in the area were driven back by 20-30 km (13-20 miles) in the last few weeks. They risk being pinned against the western bank of the 2,200-km-long Dnipro river that bisects Ukraine.


Stremousov said Kherson and especially its right bank could be shelled by Ukrainian forces, adding that residents who left would be given accommodation inside Russia.

"I ask you to take my words seriously and to interpret them as a call to evacuate as fast as you possibly can," he said.

"We do not plan to surrender the city, we will stand until the last moment."

The TASS news agency reported the overall Russian-installed chief of Kherson region as saying about 50,000-60,000 people would be evacuated to Russia and to the left bank of the Dnipro river in the next six days.

The shelling has been going on since around midnight yesterday local time from how the article reads.
Just because Ukraine has been quiet lately, doea not mean they are suffering setbacks.

Let's go back a few months and recall when chatter from Ukraine became quiet.

Within a few days, their feint and subsequent true offensive was unleashed.

The Ukraine military has been spectacular not only with their tactics and fighting form, but they are masters of the mind game.

Whatever hell they are about to unleash on the Red Army should be worth the wait.

Well, unless you happen to be in the Red Army - if that's the case, sucks to be you...
ZSU are on the move in Kherson area - RU internet is reporting major assault by Ukrainian forces.... at least one brigade with artillery and air support. Wait.... it cant be true, Ukrainian Air Force has been totally destroyed by RU at least three times since February.... :D

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