"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Possibly some alarmist sensationalist 'reporting' here...I hope:

A very sensational write-up, but Putler has nothing to gain by detonatung a nuke over the Black Sea and runs the risk of accidently triggering a response.
Has Russia ever not had a secret police terrorizing its people?

What is this flaw in their national character that while nearly every other European descendant nation has progressed to a reasonable level of state police held under democratically elected control? CSIS might monitor my web browsing for terror plots, but I needn't worry about RCMP arresting me for speaking my mind against the PM. Don't the Russians want the same rights and freedoms?
their ruling caste is elected / legitimized by terror since.... ever - RU has 0 (none, null) democratic traditions - they switched from hyper-autocratic form of government directly to quasi-mob type structures of communism than again to hyper-autocratic with Vlad as a fake tsar. For them marshal law is business as usual - the same day just different name.
It's the Sun...you can guarantee alarmist and sensationalist "reporting."
is anybody, ever treated The Sun as a credible source? if yes it has to be done by obvious mistake....
The Iranian government generally won't do anything without a quid pro quo. I'm unsure why they're doing this now, or what benefits they hope to garner from a weakened Russia. The two nations have worked alongside each other in Syria supporting Assad's regime in Syria, so there may be something hidden in that cesspool.

The Israelis, who have had a working (if at times a semi-hostile) relationship with the Russians again in Syria, seem to be irked by the two nations drawing closer. I suspect there's a lot going on behind the scenes that's beyond my ken.

There's also the fact that Iran has many years of experience dodging sanctions, and so Russia may be giving Iran business as a return favor that just so happens to supply some needs of their own as well?
Wouldn't a scouting party's job be to reconnoitre and report back rather than engage?
Depends on several factors: if the scoutung party is purely reconnoitering to identify enemy positions and such, then yes, avoiding contact would be preferable.
But if the scouting parties are probing the enemy defenses to judge reaction (amount of response, amount of force encountered, etc.), then engaging is necessary.

The Ukrainians need to have some mobile artillery on standby for the next probe, hammer the eff out of them and then quickly relocate the artillery elsewhere.

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