"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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My Stepdad was a Marine and his name was also Robert.
Except he was in Korea and 12 divisions of Chinese showed up for his birthday at Chosin.
Coincidentally, my first wife's first husband was at the Chosin Reservoir too. Not many people realize there was an Army unit there as well as the Marines. He was with the 31st Regimental Combat team on the North side of the reservoir where the Chinese struck first. He had a Purple Heart with seven clusters when he retired. Here is his obituary: https://www.washingtonpost.com/arch...lusters/7bdd50c6-fc4f-4594-affe-928772450c1f/ . He said that "in Korea, every time he stood up, somebody shot him in the ass."

He was an interesting man; he was in the US Embassy when Eisenhower sent the Marines into Beirut in 1959. His letter to Ella (his then-wife and two young boys who had evacuated to the US Embassy in Rome) is full of detail on what was actually going on at the time it was happening and it is far better than what is in Wikipedia on the "1958 Lebanon Crisis". If anyone is interested, I'll PM a copy. The first few pages are badly typed on a typewriter ribbon that is shot but by page 3 he has put in a new ribbon and legibility improves markedly. The actual event happening sure isn't very close to what you hear on the news media!

To save time, I'll just attache it here as a .PDF file.


  • Guy Howard's Beirut Letter.pdf
    3.7 MB · Views: 28
This is the thread here on the forum of my Stepdad's passing.


Ukraine appears poised to deliver another crucial blow to Russian President Vladimir Putin's war effort with a counteroffensive to take back Kherson, which was the first major Ukrainian city seized by Russia after its invasion in February.

Ukraine has blacked out all media on its operations around the southern city this week, as it did ahead of a successful counteroffensive in the northeast last month. Experts studying the war said all signs point to a major offensive in the coming days, with Russia already signaling its potential retreat.

Ukrainian victory in Kherson, which is the only regional capital that has been captured by Russian forces, could set the direction of the rest of the war, said John Spencer, chairman of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute at West Point.

"Strategically, operationally and tactically, it'll send a signal that Russia can't hold ground in Ukraine, and the path to victory for Ukraine is pretty much assured. The timeline's still in question, but the path to victory is pretty assured," he said.

Having worked at Stuttgart for a few years, this does my little heart good. Absolutely awesome to see this "boring" logistics work acknowledged:

From various sources:

'Satellite images show the Russians/Wagner Group building kilometers long anti-tank fortification near Herske' [in Luhansk Oblast about 10-15 miles south of Sverodonetsk]

From CNN:

"RIA/FAN, a Russian tabloid, published a map on Wednesday claiming the Wagner group would continue building their 'line' until it stretches east from the Russian-Ukraine border to Kreminna, and then south to Svitlodarsk." [this would result in a line about 135 miles long]

Wonder if it's All Quiet on the Western Front?

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