"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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One issue which is clear is the destruction of the Russian economy.


Worker either don't get paid or his pay is worth a lot less.

So in reality he is working for free. The goods and services he once bought are either no longer available or too expensive.

So Ivan is not going to work for nothing.

He will down tools and walk.

The Russian economy is deader than fried chicken.
No it isnt. Oil, 10% of western needs no less, gas a fast hinterland,China, puppet states etc. It will be more difficult to get some stuff but non western suppliers will buy or fill in needed. goods. It will not be a soviet economy were everything is scarse.
Regarding the escalation risk. The one weapon that Russia used fairly freely in Syria and other conflicts, and yet hasn't been seen or even talked/speculated about in the Ukraine is Chemical Weapons.

Should he use those as he has done before, then most countries consider them to be weapons of mass destruction. The resulting furore, could easily be the trip wire for NATO to get involved.

I do hope that someone through the backdoor communications that I am pretty confident are going on has explained this

Not just Europe. Back in 2015, Canada proudly announced that it would take in 25000 Syrian refugees. Now, the same Government announces that applications for Ukrainians would be "unlimited".
Can you provide any sources?

I can provide plenty of sources from economist even Russian ones that Russia is going to be economically annihilation.
Not just Europe. Back in 2015, Canada proudly announced that it would take in 25000 Syrian refugees. Now, the same Government announces that applications for Ukrainians would be "unlimited".
Ukrainians are essentially a founding European people of modern Canada. Everyone in Canada likes Ukrainians nowadays. Whereas Islamophobia was/is rampant back in 2015 - it will likely be 100 years after 9/11 before that subsides.
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I agree in general but it's a bit of a stretch to call them a "founding people of modern Canada". That's another topic for a discussion elsewhere and at another time.

All I'm saying is that Marcel is right in observing that race is playing into the refugee selection process. It's not limited to a few countries nor is it the first time or the last.
This is interesting:

"Lt. Yevgeny Yarantsev of Ukraine said his country's soldiers fight differently than the Russians. The troops under his command organize in small, nimble units that can sneak up on and ambush the lumbering columns of Russian tanks."

Makes me think of the Finns during the Winter War with a modern twist.

"Lt. Dmitry Kovalensky, who had fought in a Russian tank unit and spoke at the behest of his Ukrainian captors, said he recently came under fire from an armed drone and shoulder-launched anti-tank missiles on a road near Sumy in northeastern Ukraine. "The whole column burned," he said.

Around the same time and a few miles away, at a makeshift Ukrainian military base in an abandoned building on the western edge of Kyiv, Ukrainian soldiers prepared for the same sort of ambushes that took out Kovalensky's unit."


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