"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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I don't get why any American would be against US support of Ukraine. The majority reason the US has a postwar military whatsoever is to prepare to smack the Russians and deter the Chinese, along with keeping both Russia and China's 3d world vassals in check. With this in mind, the US gets to accomplish all these goals, gets to near-irrecoverably kneecap the Russian military and for a generation destroy Russia's prestige and influence in the world, all for a fraction of what it would cost the US to do it directly, and with zero American lives risked or lost.

When this is over in 2024, with half a million dead Russians alongside a shattered Russian military and economy, a strong and united NATO, and Western defence spending and capability stronger than ever before this century, it will have been a huge victory for the US.
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I don't get why any American would be against US support of Ukraine. The majority reason the US has a postwar military whatsoever is to prepare to smack the Russians and deter the Chinese, along with keeping both Russia and China's 3d world vassals in check. With this in mind, the US gets to accomplish all these goals, gets to near-irrecoverably kneecap the Russian military and for a generation destroy Russia's prestige and influence in the world, all for a fraction of what it would cost the US to do it directly, and with zero American lives risked or lost.

When this is over in 2024, with half a million dead Russians alongside a shattered Russian military and economy, a strong and united NATO, and Western defence spending and capability stronger than ever before this century, it will have been a huge victory for the US.
It's that warped idea that anything your political opponent is doing must be opposed.
I don't get why any American would be against US support of Ukraine. The majority reason the US has a postwar military whatsoever is to prepare to smack the Russians and deter the Chinese, along with keeping both Russia and China's 3d world vassals in check. With this in mind, the US gets to accomplish all these goals, gets to near-irrecoverably kneecap the Russian military and for a generation destroy Russia's prestige and influence in the world, all for a fraction of what it would cost the US to do it directly, and with zero American lives risked or lost.

When this is over in 2024, with half a million dead Russians alongside a shattered Russian military and economy, a strong and united NATO, and Western defence spending and capability stronger than ever before this century, it will have been a huge victory for the US.
There is a faction, mostly among younger Americans, who beleive Putin is a great leader and is acting rightfully.

The problem here, is that their lack of world history colors their grasp of current events and aren't given to critical thinking, but instead, base their opinions on well worded misinformation sources.
There is a faction, mostly among younger Americans, who beleive Putin is a great leader and is acting rightfully.

The problem here, is that their lack of world history colors their grasp of current events and aren't given to critical thinking, but instead, base their opinions on well worded misinformation sources.

In my neck of the woods it isn't because they are young that they believe Putin is a great leader. In fact most are not young. They do watch a certain news source though. I'll leave it at that, because we all are starting to go down another rabbit hole we should not go.
The problem here, is that their lack of world history colors their grasp of current events and aren't given to critical thinking, but instead, base their opinions on well worded misinformation sources.

Like those 2 talking heads, one a professor the other a retired US Army colonel, who were spouting about how successful Russia is being.

When reviewing/watching any news article or opinion piece, it's as important to listen for what's NOT being said as it is to question the points that are made.

When this is over in 2024, with half a million dead Russians alongside a shattered Russian military and economy, a strong and united NATO, and Western defence spending and capability stronger than ever before this century, it will have been a huge victory for the US democracies the world over.

Forgive the correction, but I think it's more accurate.
Fornication affirmative!
Nice. And the JDAMs, "used to modify massive bombs by adding tail fins and precision navigation systems so that they can be released and guided to a target" combined with AGM-88 HARM will make the AFU's MiG-29 and Su-25 far deadlier than their designers at Mikoyan and Sukhoi back in the 1970s may have ever anticipated.

JDAM have a range of 15 miles on a 2000 pound bomb. Mig-29 have an operational range of over 400 miles. HARM's can knock out the S-300/400's. Is this the end of the Kerch bridge?
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Nice. And the JDAMs, "used to modify massive bombs by adding tail fins and precision navigation systems so that they can be released and guided to a target" combined with AGM-88 HARM will make the AFU's MiG-29 and Su-25 far deadlier than their designers at Mikoyan and Sukhoi back in the 1970s may have ever anticipated.

JDAM have a range of 15 miles on a 2000 pound bomb. Mig-29 have an operational range of over 400 miles. HARM's can knock out the S-300/400's. Is this the end of the Kerch bridge?

The JDAM kits are built just down the road from me. Another fine Boeing product.
Nice. And the JDAMs, "used to modify massive bombs by adding tail fins and precision navigation systems so that they can be released and guided to a target" combined with AGM-88 HARM will make the AFU's MiG-29 and Su-25 far deadlier than their designers at Mikoyan and Sukhoi back in the 1970s may have ever anticipated.

JDAM have a range of 15 miles on a 2000 pound bomb. Mig-29 have an operational range of over 400 miles. HARM's can knock out the S-300/400's. Is this the end of the Kerch bridge?

JDAMs are great because they are essentially kits that with the right programming will turn any iron bomb into a guided weapon.
I don't see Gepard so I'm not sure if it's current, but still interesting.

I don't get why any American would be against US support of Ukraine. The majority reason the US has a postwar military whatsoever is to prepare to smack the Russians and deter the Chinese, along with keeping both Russia and China's 3d world vassals in check. With this in mind, the US gets to accomplish all these goals, gets to near-irrecoverably kneecap the Russian military and for a generation destroy Russia's prestige and influence in the world, all for a fraction of what it would cost the US to do it directly, and with zero American lives risked or lost.

When this is over in 2024, with half a million dead Russians alongside a shattered Russian military and economy, a strong and united NATO, and Western defence spending and capability stronger than ever before this century, it will have been a huge victory for the US.
Actually, there are quite a few Americans, Canadians, Englishmen, and others in Ukraine in a variety of capacities, from tourists to technicians, to soldiers of fortune. I personally know one "tourist" who has made several trips since the outbreak of the "special military operation" who brings in supplies to help a family he has connections with. My sons tell me of former military, who are there either fighting with the International Brigade, or acting as advisers. I don't know if the latter have official sanction to be there, but they are willing to risk their lives to directly support the Ukrainians resist Putin's aggression.
Actually, there are quite a few Americans, Canadians, Englishmen, and others in Ukraine in a variety of capacities, from tourists to technicians, to soldiers of fortune. I personally know one "tourist" who has made several trips since the outbreak of the "special military operation" who brings in supplies to help a family he has connections with. My sons tell me of former military, who are there either fighting with the International Brigade, or acting as advisers. I don't know if the latter have official sanction to be there, but they are willing to risk their lives to directly support the Ukrainians resist Putin's aggression.
This last summer, Harrison (a forum member) travelled to Ukraine to help instruct firefighters and EMTs.

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