The US, UK, and France ended WW2 with either spheres of influence or outright colonial empires. They all wanted to make sure that the UN wouldn't interfere with, say, their actions in Central America, Iraq (basically run by the UK through a puppet government), or Algeria. While it's impossible to argue that Stalin was interested in freedom anyplace or at anytime, there were times and places when the US, UK, and France weren't terribly concerned with it, either.
Which is a bit different than saying the UN worked "exactly" as intended. It sure didn't help Eastern Europe in the late 40s, despite UK, US, and France being on the SC and being against the Sovietization of the region.
In other words, the various countries that founded the organization had different intentions, and so how "exact" can you be, really? No, the member states used what leverages they could to get as much as they could, but it didn't work "exactly" for any of them.