"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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The media is notorious for using technical tidbits to spin a sensational story. Claiming the Abram's turbine only runs on jet fuel is partially correct - if the fuel tanks are filled with jet fuel, then it can only run on jet fuel - so they are correct in that manner.

These are most likely the same people who claim a "new device" installed on a semi-auto pistol transforms it into a "machine gun" that can shoot 1,200 rounds a minute. In theory, a modified SA pistol *might* be capable of that *if* it were belt-fed and the barrel didn't cook after about 30 seconds at that RoF.

But it sounds sensational, so facts be damned.
Isn't the Challenger 2 also multi-fuel? It prefers diesel but can run on anything?

We're not hearing anything about the Challengers anymore.

I'm unsure about its versatility re: fuel.

I've noticed how quickly the UK move has fallen off the radar, and that's a shame, because it seems to me that their decision may have been what broke the armor logjam and spurred US and Germany to step up. Kudos to them for spurring these decisions, if that's what actually happened.

Right, that's how it reads to me. There's also a drive, I think, to find a devil in the details even when there really isn't one.
I've noticed how quickly the UK move has fallen off the radar,
Me too. But the wheels are turning.

It's the fleet of Challenger 1 tanks that seem to be conveniently available that I'd like to see in Ukraine asap. They use the same ammunition as the Challenger 2, so could work as one.

Paywall free here https://archive.is/x0rnT
The Spanish Leo2 offered are said to be those in storage which are in bad condition, basically requiring a full rebuild. I assume they were used for spare parts to keep the others running.
Regarding M1 gas turbine - how does the power output and fuel use change if its run on Diesel ?
Admiral... Your wish is their command
From the article:
"The fuselage or wings are also spare parts," sources in the Polish government said."

I wish someone in Washington said: "the metal tube, some fins and wires are just spare parts".
Fuel and explosives can be called "spare chemicals".
I totally agree with every word you say. The only observation I have is that they simply do not have the size to lead in Europe. Poland does and is. If other countries had half the commitment that Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have shown, Ukraine would be in a much better place.

I am from the UK and am proud of our forces but we could have done more. Fourteen tanks is clearly a gesture, we have other Challenger II's that are available. They may not have been brought up to the latest spec, but my guess is that Ukraine wouldn't mind.

We don't have F16's but all our Tranche 1 Typhoons are sitting in hangers, not used and with no plans to update them. Again I am pretty sure Ukraine wouldn't mind helping out.

Early Apache helicopters are in the same position. During the Falklands an entire squadron of Wessex Helicopters was formed out of ex hanger queen aircraft and we can only find three Sea Kings? You get the picture
Nice. That's two USAF C-5 Galaxy runs, shown below with two Abrams.

View attachment 703932

Let's get the CAF Leopard 2s. Load 'em up for Ramstein AB.

Put 'em on a RoRo ship with a lot of other stuff, like spares, training manuals, and 120 mm ammunition.

However, Russia is acting like the former Soviet Union and has been getting it's ass kicked with former Soviet equipment.

Putin is trying to bring back the old Russia of autocracy, orthodoxy, and nationality, and the old empire. I wouldn't be surprised if there's movement into Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia in a few years.
Not a slag on you, it's just a trope in the press that is getting irksome by now.

Except it's reasonably close to true. When I was at Lycoming, they had qualified the AGT1500 on quite a few flammable liquids. What isn't true is that it needs some "special jet fuel." It was designed to run on the same diesel as the AVDS-1790, and qualified on JP-4, JP-5, Jet-A (when I was at Lycoming, this is what was generally used in the test house), Jet-B, 100/130, 80/87, and auto gas. I don't think they tried ethanol, methanol, or Bunker C.

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