"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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What I find slightly amusing are the words that are used

Moscow warns that supplying arms will only escalate the crisis. I have no doubt that it will escalate the crisis to Russia, that is the whole idea

Kremlin threatens that the weapons will be targeted. Well no one would blame the Russians for trying, however they don't seem to be that good at targeting weapons. Hospitals, schools, certainly, power stations they seem to be getting less successful.
Threatening Israel usually works out as intended.

Everyone is now realizing that Russia has no ability to back up its threats. Asad, sitting next door to Israel has to be thinking he bet on the wrong horse.
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Especially Israel, who is one of the charter members of the "f**k around and find out" club. You would think that Russia, of all people, would have learned this long before now...
First Putin tried sycophancy.

Then he went the apology route.

Now it's threats.

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First Putin tried the ass kissing.

Then Russia went the apology route.

Now it's threats.

Classic abusive partner behavior.
Next, the tires get slashed.
Now it's threats.

I can only imagine Israel's response to the threat of attack from Russia.

If it were a meme, this would be it:
Especially Israel, who is one of the charter members of the "f**k around and find out" club.

You would think that Russia, of all people, would have learned this long before now...
Those people in the Russian Federation who have a memory of the Bekaa Valley debacle of 1982 and of other failures in the confrontation with Israel, are either dead or have no influence and no power. Putin and his supporters learned nothing or little from Soviet history since they never studied it carefully. Even more, they did their best(worst) to create a kind of new "glamour" version of the history of the USSR. One of the cornerstones of that version: the country was ahead of everyone in everything military and scientific and it was just a few steps away from world domination if not the traitors of the Gorbachev era. And of course, the Soviet military power was successful in the Middle East, except for some minor issues caused by the local personnel or politicians (who turned out to be traitors as well as in Egypt after 1975, for example).
Minister of Defence Reznikov:
"...I can add some optimism, aircraft will be available as well...the question is "what aircraft"...we need the platform to protect our skies, this is a component of the air defence system...F-16 or Gripen or another aircraft, not so important. It will be decided by our partners and us but I'm sure that aircraft are available already... and the task for the creation of this platform is achieved..."
(my quick translation)
From today's news conference, from about 12 min. In Ukrainian. English subtitles can be switched on (with errors, of course).

View: https://youtu.be/q7oaJZxwnL0

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