"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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Sorry I interveen and if repeating anything on those 34 pages. I didn't had the time to read it all.
I'm from Romania. Our people offered al the support we could for ukrainian refugees and our military have allready send 7 campaign hospitals to the borders, together with military medics, to asist wounded.
There had been captured some strange prisoniers. Very young and not knowing what they are into. Some asked gas at the police station. Others telled their captors that they were officially at exercises, stationed in the night near the border and at first light received the order to move ahead. Then when shot at troop comanders told them that this is a peace maintainig war mission against turbulent, neonazis elements. Due to the fact that in most of Ukraine, russian is common language, only with some dialect differences it was hard for them to understand what they are facing. Also the russian people in Russia are strongly disinformed. Also russian head of army are bound by their oath and so reluctant to overthrow the president.
So, the situation is very complicated localy, as history was allways.
Lets hope the reason wi prevale and innocent souls could return home in peace.
List of aircraft to be received from NATO. The list is not complete.

Bulgaria MiG-29 - 16, Su-25 - 14
Благодаря !
Poland MiG-29 - 28
Dzięki !
Slovakia MiG-29 - 12
Vďaka !
Hungary... prohibits transit of military cargoes to Ukraine.
List of aircraft to be received from NATO. The list is not complete.

Bulgaria MiG-29 - 16, Su-25 - 14
Благодаря !
Poland MiG-29 - 28
Dzięki !
Slovakia MiG-29 - 12
Vďaka !
Hungary... prohibits transit of military cargoes to Ukraine.

I don't think this is true it's more of that available on hand for Bulgaria and Slovacchia and are all the combat jet they have
I'm done working my overnight shift at the hotel. After I get up from a few hours of rest, today seems like a good day to go to the local range and practice with my Zastava AK & my Canik (Turkish) CZ75 clone and think good thoughts about Ukraine while making lots of .3" holes :)

I said the same thing. It is an A-10 pilots dream. The vehicles are so close to one another too. Very poor discipline.
It's also a dream target for the PSU's Sukhoi Su-25. They had seventeen prewar, and I believe received more from former Warsaw Pact nations last week. IDK how many are left.


I'm surprised the PSU has/had no attack helicopters in its current (prewar) fleet. Considering our expectation that Ukraine fight a proxy war against Russian on our behalf, the West really let down Ukraine on providing the necessary kit. As for that 40 mile long convoy, I have to think that many of the thousand or more MANPATs the Ukrainians have now received are in-place along that route.

Once they enter Kiyv I expect the Ukrainians will fight from house to house. I wonder if some of the sharper eyed members of the Ukrainian shooting federation will become snipers. Is there a modern day Lyudmila Pavlichenko among them?


These moms are my heros! "We will stay here together, whatever. This is our home. We will fight for it."


"Zhaglo, a marketing researcher, spent the equivalent of $1,300 on the Zbroyar Z-15 carbine, which she learned how to use by attending a two-week sniper's course."

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Britain needs to cancel all visitor, student and business Visas from every Russian citizen and expel them, and seize, if only temporarily all Russian-owned assets in the UK, including Chelsey FC. Round up the Russians, from the owners of football clubs to university student, to the hotel cleaning lady and send them packing. Residency for non-citizens is a privilege, not a right. Give them one week to pack and quit the country.

Why should Britain alone do that? How about Canada, the US, the EU? There are Russians in pretty much every country in the world.

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