...and All is alright with the World.

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I just found the perfect accompaniment to bacon bagels:

Maple Bourbon Bacon Jam

I just found the perfect accompaniment to bacon bagels:
Maple Bourbon Bacon Jam

I know you NZ boys are a bit odd but, jam and bacon?

Its as bizarre as peanut jelly sandwiches that the yanks insist on eating.

'CLANG'.... 'er, what's that doctor?'

'That Mr R is your left ventricle shutting...'
And now for something completely different (../un-baconned, non-porked et sans la mustard)

ions (not irons), plasma, flames and science yay
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7_8Gc_Llr8

The vid a few below that called the Original Double Slit, is also a perfect example similar to an un-viewed/un-recorded double slit quantum wave function as well!

Why Do You Make People Look Stupid? is also of valid points, as is How A Wing Works too.
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The large bacon sandwich routine with my lad is in place.
He now makes a better sarnie than I do....

Displaced former 'king of the bacon pan'.... but, with a secret supply of m******* do I care?

And we keep the covers on the server, just in case the aroma leaks out ..............
Haven't figured out how to stop the sound of "sizzzle" yet though .................

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