Anglo Boer war.

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Marcel I am Scottish by ancestery. I can give you heaps of War Music if you want. But really can't see the sense of doing that. Be a case of one up manship and brinkmanship. Gets away from the debate and possibley causes bad blood. So saying that lets get back to the debate ok
Oh, I was not annoyed or offended in any sense, I also don't particular like te text of the Afrikaner song, I just said I like the language. Hope you weren't offended either, 'cause that was not my intention and I hope not from the others as well. Let's wait for Henk to post some more on the boer war.
No I am not offened at all Marcel. I can imagine Henk being proud Boer got no problem with it. But he has to remember that my country men went to fight the Boer. Some things were done Marcel which left a black mark on Australians fighting in South Africa. I suggest if you get a chance view the video tape movie or dvd of Breaker Morant to understand what I mean. One thing though something good came out of the Boer War. Maybe a benefit if you grew into a family like mine. Boy Scout Movement had its origins around Mafaking. Lord Baden Powell founder of the Boy Scout Movement. Henk might not agree but that is ok
Well joe maybe he did maybe he didn't. But I know one thing on Baden Powell's grave is a circle of stones with one stone in the middle of the circle. In bush orienteering it means I have gone home
Hi guys I am so sorry but stuff have been busy at work with the launch of the PS3 this month and new games and the owner selling to the manager and working a bit over time because the other guy is away for two weeks, but it does not bother me at all except that I miss the site.

Yes the ANC government called the De la Rey song racist and against the blacks and that it is political, they do not play it anymore in public because of that, but if the former deputy president sings a song bring my machine gun or if the blacks sing kill the farmer kill the Boer they say nothing. F*ck them.

Lovely song hey genkideskan? It brought a great proud back to the young Afrikaans speaking people and it make them thus proud of who they are and stand up against the ANC government not to try and wipe out the Afrikaans culture.

There are very big rumours that Nelson Mandella is not at all in a good shape and that he might die and the wight people in South Africa fear that the blacks might attack them. Ag ja.

I am not at the moment at home so do not have my facts on the Boer war but will do that tomorrow.
Hmmm,ja, Didn't like the txt tho, doesn't sound like trying to get along with each other and trying to get one united S.Afrika. Too bad. Mandela is not in a good shape? The guy must be a 100 years old or something.
Henk I have never really trusted the ANC nor have I thought Mandella was what we Aussies call ridgey didge because old Winnie was as bent and corrupt as they came. If the Inkarta Zulus had problems with ANC then something was not quiet right. It wasn't all what was suppose to have been in the old Soweto riots back in the 1980s Henk that the media protrayed of the Old Afrikaaner Govt and by judging what is occuring in Zimbawae under Morgabe it bloody stinks. Have a few mates at work who come from Rhodesia as it was known then. To say the least they are disgusted about events back home.

And talking about Morgabe. Last few days have been amazing Henk. Will Mobeki do something about what is occuring under Morgabe or sit on his hands and hopes it goes away. I have literally heard nothing from the South African Govt about the human rights abuses committed by Morgabe in Zimbawae. It is especially disturbing when you see the opposition democratic leader being beaten to a bloody pulp on a peaceful demonstration. And what does Morgabe says, Threatens more hardline action and celebrates his ****ing 83rd birthday with cake whilst his nation is falling apart around his ears. Australia and other Commonwealth Nations wants to take this to the UN but it will get watered down and pissed out the door like other UN bullshit. Australia has said it doesn't want to have economic sanctions imposed as it will harm the population more in Zimbawae then bloody Morgabe. So what is South Africa doing Henk. I know its not you personally Henk so do not take it as such ok. Just asking what is South Africa's stance on Zimbawae problems
The ANC will never do anything to Mogabe, he is their buddy who helped them during apartheid and the only thing Mbeki said is that it is inhumane and wrong blah blah blah....... The fact is that what was portrayed in the media in other countries during the Apartheid years were bull. The fact is that what will you do if they were burning down anything they could, let bombs go off and kill many people and just act like animals? The thing I must say is that either way if you were black, White, coulerd or anything else you were affraid of the cops, they did not take any sh*t and there wil law and order and if you killed you will die to. Now the criminals have more rights than the people on the outside and they become even greater criminals in prison that on the outside.

The whole situation here so bad that everything is slowly going down and now you cant sell your farm without asking the government if they want the farm or else you can not sell it. The ANC gets votes because they were the first black government after apartheid and thus the blacks stand by their side. I worked on a election and there was the representative of the ANC and she started to get on my nerves and I told her why does she vote for them. She said they care. Ya right, their way to fight crime is more corrupt than anything else.

SA are screwed, the people in the parliament are corrupt, the police are corrupt, the health department does not know what they are doing, Justice is way beyond the point of recovery, Home affairs are some of the most corrupt than anything else, prisons are 200% overcrowded, streets are unsafe ( they robbed two of my friends now this month and it was not in dangerous areas ), work is very scarce even more for white people, you get the salt rubbed into your wounds every day about apartheid and because you are white. I can carry on but geez it just makes me even more frustrated and mad. We are sick of this, but I love my country for what the people who made it what it is and did a lot for it and it is home, I was born here, my family fought for it and thus I will die here.
Can understand that Henk. By the way I have heard similar remarks about South Africa before that you are making. Look henk I do not trust what the media says that everything in SA is nice and rosey. Looking at Zimbawae makes the media look daft when it comes to SA in comparison. As I thought Mobeki will do **** all about Morgabi as I suspected. Question is this Henk how do the Zulus feel about the ANC Govt of SA?

The Zulus hate the xhoza people, most of the ANC, but the thing is that the deputy pres Jacob Zuma is a Zulu. In Africa power means everything and if they have it they abuse it. Botswana is one of the few where the things are going more or less smooth.

I do not know why it is like it and why they make their own kind suffer just for power and money. The Apartheid government were not black but they did not abuse the non black people or let eveyone suffer, but they still did some things that were not right.

I know we will have big time truble here and it will be a cival war and it will bring up stuff the world never thought of happening. The ANC gov do not like the song about general De la Rey, because it makes the Afrikaans people in SA feel proud of who they are and will not let anyone tell them otherwise and that is why they are trying to keep the song of the air.

Can see why Henk why ANC Govt would despise De le Rey but wasn't it more aimed at the British then ANC? Or is that how I viewed it? But one can not help thinking this Henk. Every African Nation that gained independance from a former Colonial Government whether it be English German Dutch Belgium French etc etc. Each and every one of those African Nations have had or still going through internal and external strife and problems from civil war to near genocide of population to high crime rates murder rape and economic failures. Are the former Colonial Masters to blame? In some cases yes but for how long does the former Colonial Masters have to bear the guilt on something they have no control over now Henk? The question or maybe its not such a question but a statement. I do believe some Africans still believe in the Tribal System of the past before the Colonial Masters ever showed up in Africa. These Africans have no concept of self determination or government that we have Henk and they act accordingly. Some may think this is a racial slur. I am trying not to be racists but a realist in some aspects and think to myself the Negro of Africa can not control his own Tribal Processes any more than a drug addict controls his thirst for illicit drugs. They the African Negoes have not the foggiest idea about Government or Democracy and how it operates or how it should operate for the benefit of all and not just a select quote of the same tribe Henk who benefits because their tribal boss is in power etc. Old saying absolute power corrupts absolutely. Can you imagine the bleeding hearts reading this statement and they would say I am a racists etc. I am not or try not to be to best of my ability. But the experiment of Negro African Self Government has proved a failure all over Africa as a whole and millions have died because of it Henk
I understand mate and now they have raied the feul price again and it is the real bad how much they adjust it and the police have become so bad and corrupt that the do what they want and they cover for each other and will not let anyone get in their way.

The song of De la Rey is like a story and to tell the Afrikaans people in SA about their history and how proud they should be of it. It is not against the British and there is nothing in it about blacks, the ANC or any of their idiotic bull. They are taking over all the Afrikaans Universaties and the Afrikaans speaking schools. They have their own schools and higher education instatutions why take ours over.

Botswana does not have this bull and their gov are well run and the law is the law and will be upheld or you will get into a lot of truble if you do not.

Crime is becomeing a national sport, corruption is daily live and just plain worthless is in their being when it comes to the ANC gov. Only thing we can do is pray for better days to come.
Sorry Henk. I didn't respond before this. I just saw the Del ray tape in a different light and viewed it differently ok. But putting that to one side Henk. as I said I see that African Nations are run on a Tribal Basis and nothing can change my opinion on that. Most of those African Countries were former Colonies of the English and are Commonwealth Nations because of it. yet time and time again you see African Nations embroiled in civil wars internal strife corrupt governments violence towards its own populations via governmental mishandling. And above all crack pot vicious dictators like Idi Amin during the 1980s for example. Or as I said Robert Morgabe. I have no faith in dictators like Morgabe and see him one step down from the native murderous regime he controls. He talks independance of Zimbawae. And imprisons or abuses any one who doesn't conform to his ideas of power. Quiet frankly Henk if I had my way I would ban Zimbawae of all sporting world wide events as the same that happened to South Africa under the Afrikaaner Govt. I never agreed that South Africa was banned by the way Henk. Saw it as bullshit politics in sport etc. I hate hypocracy Henk. But also I didn't agree totally what the former South African Govt did either under Aparthied etc. But my own country had White Australia Policy during same time. Sometimes think we should have it back in some degrees and keep certain religious ideologly based groups out of Australia. And you thought I meant Muslims. you are right I did mean bloody Muslims. I was never to good at being politically correct
Most of those African Countries were former Colonies of the English and are Commonwealth Nations because of it.

British.... British colonies.... British Empire.

As a decendant of a Prisoner Of Mother England, shouldn't you know better ?

British.... British colonies.... British Empire.

As a decendant of a Prisoner Of Mother England, shouldn't you know better ?


Just because you still live next door to France and you are imprisioned by the EU to pay taxes shouldn't you know better and immigrated years ago to one of those former colonies. New Zealand still excepts poms Canada might as well but as for Australia lets see. Hmmmmmhow much money you got on you mate

Spent a year backpacking, took my $18k Aus to Westpack bank in Brisbane, the bank manager turns up in his shorts looking at me from the corner of his eyes when I said I want to open an account.... He asked me how much I'd like to initially deposit and once I'd told him it's surprising how polite people can suddenly become..

I've seen all of Aus, missed British pubs... oh there's a few nice ones, theme British pubs, like the 'dog...something' in Melbourne but on the whole as a 20 year old I enjoyed 'our' nighlife...

Now that I'm 42, it's another matter.

I guess I'll just have to wait till my pension and then emigrate

Now if Pete Jackson would get in touch I'd come help him make some Lancs in New Zealand... see a few family...

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