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Greg will not allow posts that run contrary to his narrative, no matter who it is or how well versed they are on the subject.
Vituperation is very nasty, it put me right off my tea and biscuits, it's worse than a bout of the vapours.I'm just full of vituperation. Off to Google what the hell that is.............................................................
Just like bullseyeing womp rats at Beggar's Canyon.
Pardon me while I cough up a lung.
However, if one acts perfidious, then it is deserved, no?Vituperation is very nasty, it put me right off my tea and biscuits, it's worse than a bout of the vapours.
The French consider that perfidiousness in the English is genetic and to be expected at all times.However, if one acts perfidious, then it is deserved, no?
Greg will not allow posts that run contrary to his narrative, no matter who it is or how well versed they are on the subject.
Only if you drive an Albion. One thing I hate though is when people use big words they don't even knowThe French consider that perfidiousness in the English is genetic and to be expected at all times.
Superfluous, perhaps?Only if you drive an Albion. One thing I hate though is when people use big words they don't even know
the meaning of to try and make themselves sound more chrysanthemum.
I have hundreds of thousands or more ready to cut and paste from previous attempts at fictional history. Nothing you introduced was new, nil, zero. Takes a coffee break sort of time to put the basics together and then comes some editing.Wow, Mr. Sinclair, that was a lot of words.
As the local 9 year old social media secretary said, "dumb", in edited family friendly words.And also skillful use of the software to carve out quotes and respond to them individually.
I know, ignoring facts is a requirement for fake history, the data is for others who read finding out how ludicrous people who follow Greg's logic become.I don't have the time or interest to respond point by point.
Situation normal, however following your USAAF logic, there must be a bad reasons for your intervention, so time to set up protections.I have no expectation that anything I write on an internet forum has any copyright value btw.
Of course that is an estimate in a letter that was pleading for more resources, so any exaggeration is likely to be upwards.The points remain that even Eaker himself apparently stated that escorts would have decreased casualties significantly,
Good to know the Japanese, Germans and Italians for a start had no influence on the air war, the USAAF leadership had total freedom over where its aircraft went, the enemy was irrelevant. The reasons for USAAF deployments given by others have big differences to yours.and that said escorts were not available, for the multiplicity of reasons listed throughout the thread, and for which USAAC/F leadership bears total responsibility.
It is interesting to note how your idea of the very good Rolls Royce Packard Merlin partnership varies from history.It is interesting that even in the discussion of the Merlin comments, there are some instances quoted that gave Packard some credit for some improvements. Doing so doesn't impugn RR at all.
Beats dealing with all those errors.I can't resist commenting on the prevalence of thunderstorms in Northern Europe,
I can't resist commenting on the lack of numbers in the prevalence of thunderstorms reply (not severe thunderstorms) in Northern Europe, which should be really common sense for anyone involved in aviation, just 4 times that of the US while others can add some tropical countries having even greater frequencies again. The really funny bit is deviations in courses are supposed to be about dodging flak batteries, not because of thunderstorms (only severe now?), as others have noted clouds tend to ruin aircraft formations and Europe has rain. The 8th Air Force said 7.3% of its B-17 and 11.1% of its B-24 sorties sent were weather aborts, the 15th Air Force weather aborts 11.5% for B-17 and 13.4% for B-24 of airborne sorties. The ability of the B-17 to fly higher was an important reason for the difference.which should be really common sense for anyone involved in aviation. Munich is north of Montreal on the latitude scale. I did a quick (less than a minute) web search and found multiple hits documenting that the incidents of TS in Europe are not very significant. Here is one link: Severe thunderstorm potential is *four times bigger* across the United States as compared to Europe, a new research study finds.
So where did you find the swear the oaths and sign the documents area, site users want to know. Users who shred their credibility require outside sources much more than others.IMHO (alert: incoming opinion not meeting the evidentiary standards of the legal system, which is apparently required here),
Good to know, is the opinion considered still valid when we add ordinary rain and snow storms? Does it exclude missions cancelled because of weather or include them? Roger Freeman notes from engine start up to 25,000 feet in formation an early B-17F used 380 gallons of fuel, the total mission using 1,645 gallons for a target located 320 miles from base.much more fuel was used taxiing, taking off, climbing, and especially organizing formations than was expended dodging TS in the EU.
The Japanese super cabinet, the big 6, took decisions by consensus. It met in the presence of the Emperor who by custom stayed silent, questions asked on his behalf by a court official. Since early 1945 the big 6 had been deadlocked, 3 for war, 3 for peace, this remained the case after the first nuclear strike, the Soviet declaration of war and the second nuclear strike, 3 for war, 3 for peace, the deadlock was broken by the foreign minister breaking protocol and asking the Emperor directly for an opinion, which was in effect a super vote for peace. The Emperor gave his reasons in private at the meeting and in the public broadcast, the latter in the courtly Japanese dialect making it difficult for many citizens to understand. Then comes various people's ideas of what the words actually mean, a quote I have seen is Japanese is one of the best languages to be imprecise in.even in the Pacific there exists to this very day debate about whether or not the use of the atomic bomb was necessary or justifiable.
So is buying lottery tickets, financial products and life in general.I believe (in retrospect) that the air war in EU could have been run a lot better.
Yes, but it's not a matter of different opinions. Your comment here seems to fly in the face of all the reasoned and factual contributions from other knowledgeable members when trolling behaviour occurs. The problem with trolls is that they may present Pseudo-arguments, often with passive-aggressive responses to discussion, lack of factual information and sometimes whacky statements, all designed to undermine the site. Another troll tactic is to totally ignore a reasoned reply that someone has presented correctly and then flit-off onto other aspects with opinions but few facts or constructive discussion.Not going to ban him or delete his post just because his opinion is different to others.
I'd disagree, and I don't like the trigger-happy approach to the problem either.Yes, but it's not a matter of different opinions. Your comment here seems to fly in the face of all the reasoned and factual contributions from other knowledgeable members when trolling behaviour occurs. The problem with trolls is that they may present Pseudo-arguments, often with passive-aggressive responses to discussion, lack of factual information and sometimes whacky statements, all designed to undermine the site. Another troll tactic is to totally ignore a reasoned reply that someone has presented correctly and then flit-off onto other aspects with opinions but few facts or constructive discussion.
I am disappointed that this Forum seems unable to control trolling behaviour, unchecked trolling is a very negative force. Yet again, this site seems unable to control it.
Which problem though? Trolling or difference of opinion? Trolling is easy to spot and should be moderated. The well structured discussion of facts and answering questions are good things, completely different to trolling.I'd disagree, and I don't like the trigger-happy approach to the problem either.
Differentiating between a person who is really trolling vs. a person who comes here with already developed opinions that are not super-aligned with what other forum members say is in many cases a subjective matter. It is not beyond the established members of this forum to make snarky comments, either.Which problem though? Trolling or difference of opinion? Trolling is easy to spot and should be moderated. The well structured discussion of facts and answering questions are good things, completely different to trolling.