Are There Any Jazz Lovers Out There?

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Very cool, Wiz.
Man, Nick Fatool. What a drummer.

Hey, in case you weren't aware, there's a nice little web session going on almost everyday.
The host is a drummer who played in an all-girl trio up around the Boston-NY area, back in the 90's.
They're all top notch players and the drummer now has this website, and plays with several people down in Texas.

Check it - | An Online Jazz Concert with Masumi Jones and The Gentlemen

The only Liston I ever heard of is Sonny.
I was listening to some Berkley chick sax player a couple of weeks ago on youtube.
Pretty darn good. Think I can remember her name? LOL! Riiiiight.
I'll check out Melba, and if I can ever remember, or stumble across, that sax player chick, I'll post a video here.
Thanks for the heads up.

While Jazz isn't my favourite genre of music, I do like a well played tune, vocals and melody. I sometimes stop off in the local Jazz bar in town 'The Yardbird'. Mostly it has student artists, open mic nights and a local jazz/group playing, but also occasionally it has famous bands and musicians playing too.

As to what Jazz I recently listen, too, 'Post Modern Jukebox' is a tubeyou fav'.
Bostic's cool.
Very soulful sound. Influenced by Pres, no doubt.
I think he played with Louis Jordan for a bit, didn't he?
I guess if I had to name a "favourite" sax player, I'd split it between Mulligan and Coltrane.
I tend to listen to them more than any other.

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I ask because you list your location as "Tamago no Chie"

That's Japanese. Generally, it translates to "The Intelligent Egg", or, "The Wise Egg".

If you live in an area that is identified by a Japanese name or phrase, it wouldn't be much of a jump to assume that there may be a sizeable Japanese population there.

...of course, the phrase could also translate differently via another language that also uses those particular words, but I recognize that as being Japanese in origin.


This video is from an old TV show some of you may remember - Jazz Scene USA, with Oscar Brown Jr.

Shorty Rogers's band, featuring a very young Gary Peacock and one of my favourite drummers, Larry Bunker.


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