Argentine Navy and Army Images:

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I dont want to upload today, so all pics belong to nice pics site but the forum in there honestly sucks. :rolleyes:

Some army stuff.

Hummer with Mk-19

With TOW 2.

120mm Mortar carrier TAMSE VCTP ( Vehiculo de Combate transporte de Mortero= combat vehicle mortar carrier)

The 120mm Brandt.

9th of July parade ( Independence day).

Another Hummer, this time with the FN MAG 7,62mm.

M-548 transport with .50 M2HB.

NBQ suits, thank god for this guys is winter in july right here.

Panhard 90mm gun armored car, the MG in the turret are French, but I dont know his name.

M-113s in narrow street, nice anti-gang vehicle.

Army aircrafts.

Agusta A-109 Hirundo.

De havilland Twin Otter.


Bell Huey II, no doubts about nationality in this.

Rockwell OV-1D Mohawk, the army received about 24 of this in 1994.


SLAR image.

The VCA 155 mm.

VCA = Vehiculo de Combate de Artilleria = artillery combat vehicle. This self propelled gun is the most heavy AFV in service with the Army, it was developed from the Tam tank hull with a aditional roadwheel.

The turret was manufactured By OTO-Melara in Italy is 3 man crew. it have a laseric rangefinder and the locally built "Trueno" firing direction sistem.

The 155/L41 gun had a maximun range of 33 km with normal ammo, and 41 km with rocket assisted proyectiles (Base bleed)

The majority of the batteries equipped with this are deployed in the patagonian territory.

There is also a VCAMM ( Combat vehicle for ammunition transport) for resupply the 155mm shells in continues mode, but a few were made because the tracked M-548 was bought far more cheap than this "Made in Argentina" design... interesting vehicle anyway.

The shells depot in the VCAMM.

If it helps the Panhard armored car was the AML90. The French sold loads of these in the 1970's to various countries and often the license so they could be built overseas. I don't know if the Argentina bought the license but I know that South Africa did and suspect that Brazil also had the license.
Argentina tried to use about a dozen in the Falklands but they were poor at going cross country due to the high centre of gravity and poor ground pressure.
Yeah, I knows the name, mi doubt is about the MG , It is french made and originally caliber 7,5 x54 French, I hope that they were converted to 7,62mm Nato.



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