Artesh photos

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If I have this correct they are the birth date and date of passing ..... 12-11-1310 (27 May 1893) to 25-8-1388 (15 Nov 1968). In Gregorian terms a fine old age of 75. I say 'fine old' as I can match that plus some.

Nice shots!

Thank you.

Very cool!

I assume these are dates?

View attachment 669183

If I have this correct they are the birth date and date of passing ..... 12-11-1310 (27 May 1893) to 25-8-1388 (15 Nov 1968). In Gregorian terms a fine old age of 75. I say 'fine old' as I can match that plus some.

Yes, as Vic mentioned, they are dates of birth and passing. Depends on the situation, you'll see different words are used. In this case, for birthday, 'Spring' and for passing date, 'Fall' are used.

Also not bad with reading Persian Numerals!

Just a minor miscalculation about dates:

Birthday: 14-11-1315 (1937-03-05)

Passed away: 25-08-1388 (2009-11-16)
They have changed Metro ticket prices, yesterday!!!

Here are new prices:

Tehran Metro and BRT: 25000 IRR
Imam Khomeini Airport (Red): 125000 IRR
Hashtgerd (Blue): 75000 IRR
Karaj (Light Blue): 28500 IRR

Previously, all except the Airport, were 20000 IRR.

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