At long last....!

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
My dad has finally got a date for his heartvalve replacement. He's going up north to a specialist hospital in Umeå on the 15th of June and they'll operate on the 17th. He'll be staying there for a week after the operation, to make sure that his new 16 valve top with compressor is working properly. So, should I be a bit "distant", you'll know the reason, just my nerves...

I dare say that the "skirts" will have to look out, now when he gets his "engine" refitted, mom will have some competition and I'll probably have difficulties to keep up with him too afterwards....:shock: 8)
Glad to hear that mate.

I know what you mean when you say your dad with the skirts, mine can drive me up the walls some times with the sh*t he can say or do.
Glad to hear it lucky, heck he will have you runnin just to keep up in a few days:lol:
Ditto to all the above fella , hope all goes without the proverbial hitch . Say a big " hello " from not so sunny Wales :) .

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