Aussie war dead returning home.

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I am glad that thes brave men are finally going home.
I have posted this many times but I'll say it again, the Diggers were among the best and toughest troops in Vietnam.
Initially the Diggers sent advisors to Vietnam to train US troops in jungle warfare which we had no experience with but the Australian approach was not compatible with the US "Bash 'em Smash 'em attrition approach of Westmoreland nor the Strategic Hamlet program plus ARVN leadership resented the Australian success .
The Aussies were given their own province, Phuoc Tuy a strong VC/NVA controlled area. I remember the Digger "Jungle slow-walk": take a step, stop, look, listen, step, stop, look, listen,...took a day to cover a mile.
The first Digger KIA (1964) was at an SF camp hit by over 1000 VC/NVA. 380 SF, ARVN, Nung, and 1 Aussie beat off the attack that lasted all night.

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