B-2 Crash!

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Jesus where are the quality posts when you need them.

Interesting to note that with a major uncommanded pitchup, that the B-2 landed top up. XB-35 testing indicated that stall was abrupt for a flying wing and resulted in an inside loop. Certainly the B-2 FCCs are programmed to prevent that, but one wonders with the air-data sensors providing such drastically erroneous errors what might have occurred. Perhaps the top up landing is indicative that flight control algorithms were actually working properly. That would be a good thing.
Yeah matt was thinking the same thing, for it to be so badly "outta sight" how is it that the wings werent folded or the fuselage buckled from a nosedive? flyboy shut up! (not to be confused with FLYBOYJ) whom we all covet and respect
Great find there tiger, I dont know why but it looks like the one that crashed pulled up way to soon.

Thanks for the clip tiger, yes it looked like the B2 suddenly shot up. No-air-No-fly

If that report is true, then that smacks of control laws that are more in line with EADS/AIRBUS than Boeing. Specifically, that pilots input is always overruled by software control law limits. [Reference A320 crash at Paris Airshow where AOA limits were not allowed to be exceeded] But then again, with 30+ hour missions the control laws likely are as much UAV oriented as manned oriented. Interesting.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EM0hDchVlY
Once aircrafts, especially high Tec flyers such as a B-2 come to age (10-15 years+) this kind of maintenance or material-system tiring effects are unavoidable. I think it proves the outstanding quality of the B-2 and maintenance quality by the USAF that no other major accidents have occurred so far.

This was also one of the reasons for Germany to abstain from further developing this kind of aircrafts, since the expected or needed in service life of 40-50 years on such sensitive a/c might not be viable and will exceed any reasonable (more or less uncalculated) budget.


Kruska, what kind of aircraft? A strategic bomber?? Exceeding a German (more or less uncalculated) budget? And for 40-50 years of continued airworthiness?

Please explain further. I'm not sure I understand your point as it relates to Germany's procurement and operational needs.
Hello Matt308,

Project "Leiseflieger" = Silent Flyer was started in 1970 and resulted in the maybe the first stealthy aircraft in 1975 regarding RAM. Project MRMF " Firefly" from MBB was started in 1981 (a stealth fighter - 2 prototypes build)-The RCS was tested on a full-scale - and a windtunnel modell- and stopped in 1988 due to the above mentioned concerns regarding "impossible to be calculated" risks for financing maintenance costs - surface skin controlls -and life service upgrade costs, and future radar developments Low-frequency radars-2GHz-UHF and L-band frequency, and in the IRST technology.

MBB also developed a software package for RCS calculation, similar to Lockheed's 'Echo' RCS-calculation program. The RaSigma4 is the continuation in practical verification of RCS. It's RCS was supposedly lower than that of the F-117 in 1991. The obtained know How went into the Tornado upgrade and the development of the Eurofighter and Barrakuda

The TDEFS project is a followup on the "Firefly". FireflyII

Some rumors indicate a certain US influence to stop the project after it was unveiled to the US in 1987 - rumors -

Hello Matt308,

Project "Leiseflieger" = Silent Flyer was started in 1970 and resulted in the maybe the first stealthy aircraft in 1975 regarding RAM.

Kruska, enough of your revisionist history already. While I won't disclaim your RaSigma historical claims... much... I will contest that you seem to be highly biased with your stealth technology origins and your posts appear to be more than a bit obfuscatory.

The US in the mid 50s applied RAM technology to airframes THAT WERE ACTUALLY FIELDED [reference SR-71]. While your Leiseflieger looks impressive, it was 30s years too late and reminds me of nothing more than a modification of the US X-3. Somehow I feel that your background is steeped more in your professional experiences and you are unwilling to admit historical precedences have been set which are contrary to your reality.

Sad actually.
Hello Matt308,

The only person that is reacting totally biased against others (German) developments or technical knowhow is you.
You have demonstrated this in every post were I have brought news to the forum about Germany's technical abilities or projects.
First you dispute it, you just wipe it off the table, then you provoke and want to know more at the same time, and after you receive additional info you will accuse me of taking bull, tell me I am biased and a revisionist.

What modifications make a "Leiseflieger" become an X-3? Absolutely NONE – because you do not even know about this project and nobody seems to have forwarded any data's or pictures to you. So what would you term a person who doesn't know about something but straight away gives a negative and totally wrong statement?

Even the pictured "Firefly" has nothing to do with a modified X-3. Unless you would consider that an Alpha Jet mock up is a modification of an F-104, or a Leopard I is a modification of a Sherman. RAM technology was already applied by Germany during the 2nd WW for its submarines. Now if someone will tell and "proof" to me that RAM was already applied in the 1930th, I would be glad to hear about it since it would enhance my knowledge extreemly in regards to Radar history. Ever heard about the BAe Stealth project? But who am I writing to anyway.

You have provided absolutely nothing substantial on any of my forwarding's but you resort to personal attacks and insinuations.
You don't even take the time to read a post properly, so next time please refrain from comments regarding any of my posts as long as your narrow mindedness simply can't take it, that not only the US is knowledgeable.


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