The riveting lines are progressing very little by little.
But I have got in my head how
to solve the question of this semi-nude engine !!
I have decided to cut only four of the cylinders that may be visible in the space I have left uncovered (I hope it is not necessary to cut the remaining three too)
I have put a black mark to identify them and not make mistakes. These are the tools that I will use to do it.
Making a new dry fit with cowling, I can confirm that those four cylinders were more than enough.
With a template sheet of circles I drew the two measurements to created the disc
(*1) that divides the two cylinder rings (making the best use of my "calculómetro") and cleaned of plastic waste the area where this disc will go ...
It is not necessary (besides that it was not possible) to put all the new disc completely, so I removed a quarter part and put it in its place ...
... and this is the result so far ...
(*1) I do not know if I had already told them in some other occasion (Thread), about my stock of styrene sheets.
Of the disposable plastic plates of food, I have cut the base of these and with several brands and measures of plates, I have achieved 6 or 7 different thicknesses of plastic sheets,
practically free !! (because until when I discovering a different dish, I have taken it out of the trash can !! ... that which I have arrived to do! ...
The reality is that although I have bought styrene sheets for modeling of various thicknesses, I do not need to use "none" yet.
(Well, it's a small tip, in case is useful for someone)
For now I am in the process of doing those exhaust pipes ... by thinning out a styrene bar that could have the right thickness.
In a next review I show you how was the result.
Thanks again for your comments and visits, I thank you.