A very enthusiastic greeting for all of you in this my first post of
I updated my avatar and siggy, and I hope you like it.
These are my first photos of the year, continuing the process of my very detailed B-25G.
According to photo # 7 of post # 221, with some staples, pieces of confectionery, a strip of plastic stretched with heat and Tamiya tape, it occurred to me to make the piece.
...It does not look bad...
With a welding wire with a resin core (that's what the label says), I made the tubes that come out of each one of the cylinders. In this photo the tubes of the first group of cylinders ...
... I was not left with the desire to see how they look with the wall:
For the second series of cylinders, I made a "grimace" with a drill, so that the welding wire could be better accommodated.
... I did the necessary folds according to the images I have ...
... and before leaving this section ready to paint, I made a dry fit.
Looks like it's ok.
I will continue working on other fragments of the B-25, while I also finish the discovered part, behind the cowling.
Thanks for all your visits and kind comments.