B17 P51 STANG Spitfire CAF Deer Valley

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John Reichart

Nov 15, 2010
I got a few sequences of these fine aircraft while visiting Deer Valley Airport in Phoenix to view the B29 FIFI.
The B17 was taken from the end of the runway and the others were all from the tarmac at the airport.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxqZ9ShK9G4

Cheers, John


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Thanks again guys.

Can't get enough of the WWII Warbirds. They fly over my house and I am out the door in a flash to see which one is going over.

I don't think I posted this one here yet but it is a good view from "below". She flew directly over our RC field and I still had the camera in my car.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVRVaBU-yK4
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