Battle Damaged Aircraft of WW2

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Here are few more pictures of battle damaged Bf 109s in the East. (For more info see picture captions.)
Source: Jagdwaffe - War In Russia


  • Classic Publications Jagdwaffe Vol 3 Sect 4 - The War in Russia January-October 1942_Page_05.jpg
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  • Classic Publications Jagdwaffe Vol 3 Sect 4 - The War in Russia January-October 1942_Page_22.jpg
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  • Classic Publications Jagdwaffe Vol 3 Sect 4 - The War in Russia January-October 1942_Page_85.jpg
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During the Summer of 1942, Lt. Walter Nowotny was involved in an air battle during which he shot down two Soviet fighters. However, his aircraft was hit by cannon fire which damaged the fuselage fuel tank and the area below the cockpit. With his Bf-109G-2 'Black 1' thus severely damaged, Nowotny flew home but his engine cut out while he was still approaching the airfield. The aircraft rapidly lost height and struck an airfield defense flak installation, overturned, and came to rest on its back. It took rescuers 20 minutes to release Nowotny from the cockpit.

Will attach this time:



  • JU88-42.jpg
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  • Kittyhawkdamaged.jpg
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  • LM535_portfin.jpg
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  • LM535_portwing.jpg
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  • LM535_tail_manston2.jpg
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I don't know if these have been posted


  • me109g6glycol.jpg
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  • me110-crasheditaly.jpg
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  • Dornier DO17Z.jpg
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  • ju_52_desert.jpg
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  • me323b26kd9.jpg
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  • junkers-1.jpg
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Few more:



  • JU88-31.jpg
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  • JohnHannahVCHampden.jpg
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  • JohnE.JPG
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  • J%C3%ADcha+(ve+svetru).jpg
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  • He111stbdwingtipoff.jpg
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Thanks Igor, but no, not a lot. This was one of the many Luftwaffe pictures culled from e-Bay by Ed West on the TOCH Luftwaffe and Axis forum a couple of years ago. I believe it is a KG.55 machine and that the damage was caused by a barrage balloon cable over Britain. If that is the case then it must have been quite an interesting trip home as the starboard aileron appears to have gone too !

wow ! great pics from the 109 !

I´m looking for a new subject to a diorama.. I would like to build one 109 on a belly landing.. if someone have pics to share.. It will be apreciated

thanks !

This 'Yellow 4' of 6./JG54 was photographed on 27 June 1942 and is believed to be WNr. 13100 which was 35% destroyed
in a take-off accident at Relbitsy the previous day. If this is correct, the aircraft was a Bf-109F-4/R 1, the final suffix indicating
that the aircraft had been fitted with an ETC 500/IXb bomb rack for the fighter-bomber role

This is the same picture imalko posted just slightly larger. .

Photo of Messerschmitt Me-410A-1 Hornisse belonging to 9./ZG1 coded (2N+LT) and was Werk Nummer 0205 was stationed Catania/Sicily 1943. On March 4, 1943 this a/c sustained 40% damage in Gerbini airfield, 10 km West of Catania/Sicily, crashing during taking off into the sand bags bariere.

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