I got mine at Walmarts art section. If you belong to Amazon, they also sell them by the 12 pack. I just use a generic odorless lacquer thinnerI need one of these but my hobby shop doesn't carry these for some reason. Also if I go to a hardware store what particular thinner would I use for enamel paint? There are many types.. so confusing
I don't thin Model Color, straight up. For clean-up, I just rinse everything in water, lazy....yes but I've had the same brushes for several years.Thanks, that's what I thought. I have 2 17ml bottles of Model Color by Vallejo. If it does require thinning for
brushing what do you use? Also is it a soap and water( touch of Dawn in cup of water) clean up. I will give
anything a try rather than spending $$$ every month for the same color. John